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You are old, why do you think that anyone cares about you? You have had more than your share of the good times so just quietly drop off the planet and become

fertilizer. Why should precious financial and medical resources be wasted on you when the young need new ti ts?

And by the way, get out of your nice house and sell it at a knockdown price to the young and let the government take everything in inheritance taxes to pay for council houses, particularly for MPs who earn £70000 a year and who give nice jobs to their drug dealing offspring. If, that is, there is anything left after you have paid for your care, of course.

Oh and we will disenfranchise you if you go abroad and freeze your State pension as you are out of sight and out of mind.

Yeah, discrimination against us everywher. As to the places they put us, moroirs or is it mortoirs sums them up.
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It's those pesky kids. The ones you've accused for years of being feckless, work shy wastrels who should all know what National Service felt like,

They've all grown up now, and realised that they're paying your pension despite being faced with the prospect of never being able to retire themselves, and they're rebelling. Possibly.
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Thing is, though, expecting respect and deference from those you've treated with very little of either is a bit of a non starter.

Like in so many other areas, you may never have done any of these things, but you're possibly paying a price for those who have. Just like the possibility that there are an undefined number of younger people who bear the older generation no ill will at all.

Once again, I'd love to know more about the PC Brigade. Is it in any way military? And how or where does one join/meet them? I'm just guessing here, but I'd think perhaps that having a chip on one's shoulder qualifies one for membership? Asking (again) for a friend.?
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Not wishing to disagree with you Betty, where I currently hang out during the day is predominantly a young persons place.  They are very heavily into PC and diversification (or what they perceive that to be) 

This is, as discussed before, taken to extremes with shared toilets so no one "given a sex at birth" can be offended if they now "identify" as something else.

This long winded and drawn out consultation about accepting others no matter what and not causing any embarrassment, except by some trying to find the correct new term to describe the being, has resulted in one group being completely left out! Anyone over the age of 50!

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You're not disagreeing with me, Teapot. Au contraire. And anyway, I'm without portfolio here. I'm just pointing out that the "me generation" is perhaps suffering from being cast adrift by the millennials, who have possibly grown tired of being criticised and have decided to let the over 50's stew whilst they get on with their own lives and agendas.

I have no proof of what I'm saying, nor any reason to think I'm right..but it wouldn't surprise me for one minute, nor would I blame them.
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Surely the 'me now' generation is not yet old enough to feel the effects of ageism?

They were the ones born to a world where their parents had just managed to get together a few material items such as a washing machine TV or even a car, none of which my parents had and which I didn't get until I was in my 30s, but which this 'me now' generation assumed was a right which they claimed NOW.
That would place  them in a  about their  40s and 50s now.

It is interesting that you seem to be looking for reasons to justify ageism.
It proves once again that it is seen as defensible.

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That is a truism.
My point is that there seems to be a scale on which prejudices or 'isms' are put with some being considered as more important than others.

For example being anti-immigration is a position openly held by people who would accuse others of being anti-semite..

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