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Article 50 Petition


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Well Hoddy I would not believe everything that you read on Twitter, I personally never go near it myself.

As an exercise I tried signing the petition again today using exactly the same information that I submitted yesterday, including the same e-mail address. Whilst I was able to get to the 'one more step' level, which instructs you to click on the link sent to you by e-mail, when the link showed up in my inbox, it stated that I had already used this e-mail to vote, and prevents you from voting again. I would not have voted again if the system allowed it, I consider myself above the lying politicians that led us into this mess.

I guess that you could possibly use different e-mail addresses, if you really wanted to go to all the trouble of setting up various new addresses.

I too would like to see the whole thing over, but not at any cost, and certainly not with a no deal exit, so I am prepared to wait for an orderly exit or retraction, however long that may take.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]In which case it will just be adding to the mess instead of producing some clarity.

I just want it all to be over.[/quote]

If nothing else it shows that Mrs May’s claim that the people have spoken is ridiculous. The people spoke almost three years ago, they have been speaking ever since. In a democracy today's voices should hold more weight than yesterday’s. Only a fool would ignore the passion of the remain followers.

To add a bit of balance; this morning I read a post on FB shared by a leave voter. It was encouraging people to sign the We want a no deal Brexit petition that has almost reached its six month lifetime. In almost six months it has attracted just over 400,000 names. Whatever people thought that they were voting for in the referendum very few were voting to cut off their nose to spite their face, the real situation has to be recorded before it’s too late. A lot has changed in the past 1000 days, only a fool would say that those changes mean nothing.
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BnB, your point is well-argued.  I have an article here, hot off the press, that supports your post:


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Just looked up the actual question asked in 2016:

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

Remain a member of the European Union

Leave the European Union

Now there was no mention of any negotiations just LEAVE THE EU.

So surely, Mrs May is not respecting the vote as she has stated. The decision was to leave and not to negotiate. So if she wants to be true to the referendum she should not have carried out any negotiating just triggered Article 50 and said 'we are off'.

The question about what type of future relationship with the EU should be. Naturally, as can be seen, there are all sorts of options for a relationship with the EU that keeps the UK ties to the EU perhaps especially the backstop effectively, cutting NI adrift.
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Leaving the EU is all that is happening at the moment, it was never going to be just a case of saying goodbye, there is a strict procedure to follow which is initiated by Article 50. The negotiations about the future relationship between the E.U. and Britain can only start once Britain is no longer a member. Whatever leave voters thought, the negotiations were always going to be a part of leaving.

In my opinion this was one of the big problems, very few leave voters realised quite how complicated the ties between the E.U. and the member countries are.
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