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But you carefully avoid another side of the story:
The biased reporting on both sides makes it impossible to arrive at the truth - whatever the truth is.
I think there has been a temporary ceasefire since the date of this report, 7th May 2019.

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But it helps if people can see both sides.

Here is another:


Also in the Guardian but not in the BBC or Daily Mail (not prominent anyway). This, in my humble opinion and an FCA/ATT who I know, is why monied tories want Brexit. EU are clamping down and British ones could be next. Where are campaign funds coming from one might ask.

Makes filling in french tax forms look like peanuts to them. Except for the future MEP who is immigrant in SW France perhaps. Oh the irony.

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Very interesting Richard, but not surprising. But should we believe it?
I'm getting more and more cynical about what's printed in the newspapers. More important than what they print is what they leave out. They must have to select from the vast amount of news coming in so we can never know the whole picture. Israeli press is also selective in what they print. And no doubt the Palestinian press, if we could read arabic.

TV and radio reports are even more selective.
I still can't resist reading newspapers online.

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I think its reasonable to believe a report was issued and perhaps the report was a little difficult to stomach by the owners of the right wing press or indeed BBC decision makers yet the little remaining independent press in the UK does.

"Israeli press is also selective in what they print. And no doubt the Palestinian press, if we could read arabic."

Good try Pat. Israel has the word "hasbara" - look it up folks. Very effective. The press most people read here is in English, but Hebrew is what Bibi talks when he want to talk to the "populace" and doesn't want the rest of the world to know before the hasbara people get into action. Oh dear, the meaning was miss-interpreted in translation!

NB most Palestinian press in Palestine is controlled by the occupying forces there. They go in and trash the offices every so often. Arabic is still widely spoken there despite the nation state law.
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You have lost me there WB - opposed to what?

With respect to the recent expulsion of a person who advised voting against the labour party from the labour party, I do find it strange that a person who is continuously demanding not to vote for labour is not expelled. (Margaret Hodge)

Nb it has been against labour part rules for a very long time!

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Funny how the Left has a very ambivalent relationship with the rule book, choosing to apply or ignore it depending on what nasty piece of viciousness they are dreaming up.

At present their scheme is to expel everyone who disagrees with them using whatever tricks they can.
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Ooops, Peter Willsman suspended for anti-Semitic comments. Yet another one of the racist clique that have infected the Labour party! Not sure if JC has commented but it wont be outright condemnation of his commy backer, that’s for sure.

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West Bank this time. Another article says a Palestinian was shot dead after injuring 2 Israelis.

What a state where Palestinians are automatically shot dead - could easily have been arrested. Some situation where these desperate people have no hope.

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Dickdick,, most of us have the greatest sympathy and feelings fr the Palestinians and also a great sense of impotence at what is happening on a daily basis. But only the Israeli residents of Occupied Palestine can kick out the warmongers, perhaps in the upcoming election, though I doubt it.

By the way, do you think this might be accurate?


If so, Mr Corbyn is swimming in very murky waters!
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Its the Daily Mail - what do you think?

What does "forced" shops to lose mean - protesting outside if they are selling thing from the occupied territories as if from Israeli is not IMHO a problem - in fact it is to be lauded whoever the shop owner is.

All israeli residents in illegal settlements are indeed the warmongers as you describe them. They want to kick out the Palestinians - have you not noticed?

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But people who are "truly" Israels (according to the nation state law) do hold the power together with the evangelical christian nutcases in the US. Remember that all "israelis" serve time in the IDF where there is certain indoctrination against Palestinians i.e. worthless scum - shoot them when opportunity arises.

OH saw a settler in Hebron pour battery acid over a Palestinian market stall holder from the settler flat above. The IDF soldier nearby said that he saw nothing and the next person who says anything will be shot. OH, was advised by those with her to keep very quiet. (she is white, UK passport etc ). The poor Palestinian lady was left in agony for some time as the IDF soldiers kept access forbidden. Its everyday occurrences like that that will never be forgotten.

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But people who are "truly" Israels (according to the nation state law) do hold the power together with the evangelical christian nutcases in the US. Remember that all "israelis" serve time in the IDF where there is certain indoctrination against Palestinians i.e. worthless scum - shoot them when opportunity arises.

OH saw a settler in Hebron pour battery acid over a Palestinian market stall holder from the settler flat above. The IDF soldier nearby said that he saw nothing and the next person who says anything will be shot. OH, was advised by those with her to keep very quiet. (she is white, UK passport etc ). The poor Palestinian lady was left in agony for some time as the IDF soldiers kept access forbidden. Its everyday occurrences like that that will never be forgotten.

I must have mentioned it before. I know a few jewish friends whose children have gone off to join the IDF to "do their duty" - they are equally terrorists IMHO.
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