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Complete France Forum

Forum grumbles


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Of late there have been any number of grumbles about threads and posts, mainly it seems by members returning for a look as other forums have closed or not or maybe.

Maybe they would like to articulate clearly what it is that they are unhappy with which threads or topics they dislike and how they might contribute to make the forum more acceptable.

I will kick off by saying I would like more threads about France and French matters about which people ENGAGE in discussion. But it would be a pity is threads could not occasionally let off steam. After all, Hoody has to earn her bowl of rice.

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France is neglected on most 'Brit' forums. It is just the way it is.

There are places on the www that you can go to have discussions about France. politics, social economics, education, health, culture... etc. Which I prefer.

Most Brits don't want that type of discussion.

That is why this forum is dying.

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My wife likes to watch the Big Questions on the BBC, Sunday morning. It annoys me greatly. They ask questions to which there are no answers and get "experts" to argue their points (they never change their point of view) and members of the public get to chime in occasionally. Nothing is ever resolved as they never ask a question it is possible to answer.

I don't get involved in the "spats" that take place on forums, waste of time as, again, nothing is ever resolved as the antagonists will never change their point of view. Having been involved in local French politics and now building management I appreciate that some people feel they are only making a contribution if they go off on one from time to time. Not something that floats my boat.

As a junior member (only 15 years service) I am happy to contribute on things I either know about or have done and will continue in this vein, mostly about France as we have not lived in the UK for over 22 years.
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