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Worst case No deal Brexit (Yellowhammer)


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Well, we should remember that our most worthy moderator has filled her garage and spare room with bog rolls.

Not a bad example really.

Coming the other way, fresh stuff and plants could become a problem.

Next time in UK I shall buy lots of tinned beans of the type not sold locally.

We are planning a food package run with basics too, off loading in West London. So, anyone who has a boat we can fill, please let us know, excepting those boats needed for illegal immigrants.
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Whilst I have been resident in several different countries throughout my life I have never had the inclination to ship foodstuff etc., which I happen to be partial to, from one jurisdiction to another.

However, although I am able to obtain all my requirements and needs here in France I have infact made one notable exception to the above policy.

In view of the pending future European status I became rather concerned as to my ability to still be able to purchase 'HP Sauce' from either Intermarche or LeClerc. With that in mind I ordered and received last month, from the UK, a 4litre catering pack of the stuff. Sorted. 

B****t?? Bring it on.
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Try and find the black-swan report - the worst case scenario.

Yellow hammer was the expected/likely.

It will change, of course, when Gove releases the next "redacted" report. Nothing about long term effects of course.

WB - just look at the different headlines between the Daily Mail and The Independent - as said before you plainly do not appreciate the subtle differences when reporting "fact".

Your "too thick" issue is indeed correct if you quote just what the popular press spout. Sorry but your defense of "I read more" is just pathetically strange.

Other recent threads of yours are equally wrong - we have just spent a few days with a friend (naturalised ) in Switzerland and her comment (not in any way pushed by us) was we ought to wait for no-deal - you aint seen anything yet..

Equivalent of 3500 euros per annum required there,

(don't know the baseline but probably includes transport. knowing her).

And BTW its cheaper to live as a couple - so dont double the required amount. Silly, cheap, unresearched comments from you again.

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Wondering which of the categories the above posters fall into ;).

"This paper builds on Becker et al. (2017) who analyze the Brexit vote shares across UK voting areas, using a wide range of explanatory variables. They show that the Leave vote shares are systematically correlated with older age, lower educational attainment, unemployment, or employment in certain industries such as manufacturing, as well as with a lack of quality of public service provision."


[ScienceDirect is a (non political) major resource of scientific journals and peer reviewed papers.]
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Apparently, the French think that yellowhammer is un marteau jaune (I saw a cartoon showing a yellow coloured hammer hitting someone on the head!)

So do we use this hammer to hit remainers or to hit brexiteers?  Some guidance would be helpful at this critical stage of the negotiations?

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"So, Jeremy Corbyn is a typical Brexiteer, then???"

My most frequent red pen remark as an examiner was RTQ, which seems to be in point here...unless, of course, you are JC posting under a pseudonym.

Your comment does go a long way towards explaining your signature, though....
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Nice that you've resurrected your account to hurl insults, sunflower. Are you another of Richard's sock puppets or do you just like to pop in every dozen years or so to demonstrate your intellectual superiority by picking on people who haven't even contributed to the thread you're posting to? A real mark of class.

Seems like there are plenty of lurkers here moaning about how they haven't posted because people like us do post ( and apparently deter others) yet there are plenty of people like yourself prepared to pop back and act as a further deterrent if the usual posters desist.
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