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Rugby World Cup, anyone?


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That's a shame I'm looking forward to the rugby but if I wanted to agree with your other rant I would join another forum. Totally unnecessary comment on a Rugby-based thread. Don't let us go down that road this forum is pretty Brexit free and long may it stay like that.
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Tory type sport. NP is tory type Brexit person.

Tories (Rees-mogg etc) want Brexit to avoid EU laws against tax avoidance - coming January.

BTW NickP if you want Brexit so much why invest in europe?Hedging perhaps ??? Cos lots of knobs are.

NB I like rugby but detest the snobbery associated with it.
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Alas, always people around who can't see a jokey remark for what it is!  Oh well, your loss....

Rugby, TORY sport???  You can't be serious, as a  well-known tennis player might say!  Now THAT is a snobby sport, at least when I was young!

Where I lived (not far from Gareth Thomas, incidentally), rugby is anything but tory in any shape or form.

I can't wait and the Japanese made me laugh, seeing them all kitted out in Welsh colours[:D]

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Not Wales, Mint, but in england the sport of rugby was so snobbish that rugby league was formed in Northern England.


I do agree that rugby union is much more entertaining than league though.
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Ah yes, good description in Tom Brown's School Days!  Still, you can never accuse rugby players of being effete namby-pambies, can you?

I'm glad you didn't think I was accusing you of having no sense of humour.  Actually the B******s to Brexit slogan was a Lib Dem one and the B******s to Boris one was on a placard held by a demonstrator outside parliament.

I only meant to point out that we are all pretty weary of Brexit and so thank goodness for RWC which might, even if only temporarily, take our minds of the wretched thing!

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Mrs/Mr Richards, you know nothing about me, my politics or my situation, so please don't try to classify me or my preferences. Funny that a little while ago you were bleating about people being rude to others. I think your comments prove my point about another forum. Shame if this one takes that path.
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Lets be completely clear about this.

I am very interested in rugby and especially the RWC. I don’t often contribute on here these days ( guess why!), but this is an infrequent event, so .....

Richard51 has said that RU is elitist etc, and doesn’t interest him much.

May we therefore be spared any further contributions from him on this thread? His input has no place and is totally unwelcome. In short - shove off.

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With due respect Gardian, why not read the posts from others on here who are also off thread and equally castigate them. Especially those intent on pure insults. Your post is not exactly on thread and without insulting comment warranting reply.

Why not start an uninfected thread yourself entitled something like "All-blacks slippery slid to oblivion" or is that another fairytale.

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[quote user="richard51"]  "All-blacks slippery slid to oblivion" or is that another fairytale.[/quote]

Deffo a fairy tale; I have heard commentators say that the All Blacks are still going to be the team to beat[:P]

I am a bit concerned about the TV coverage as Japan is on the other side of the world so I don't know how the schedules will look and whether there will be games when we are all in bed fast asleep?[:-))]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Japan V Russia is on now if you wanna look on BBC.[/quote]

Actually ITV. [;-)]

Depending on the matches you're interested in, there might be some early mornings, otherwise the times are good. Here you go... https://www.rugbyworldcup.com/matches

ETA: Sorry, it'll be a c&p for the link.

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 I do watch some rugby and enjoy it and I knew that the world cup was on too.

But google's opening page, has what I feel is the oddest cartoon. To me it looks like a group of sumo's having a free for all, and I could not make it out at all and had to click on it to see what it was about.

Sometimes with these big events I love the various  cartoons  designs associated with them, but I still cannot get the sumo's out of my head at the moment.... and it is amusing me.[:-))]

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