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No mentions of Andrew thus far, nimt, but I agree that the election, Brexit, impeachment are all getting a bit much. Oh, not to forget the far too many useless Xmas ads on UK telly.

We are in a funny creux period before the real festive season starts, when we are all probably feeling a bit flat and when, in my case, the usual hobby of gardening is slowing down.

Imagine poor old Norman with fewer funds in his begging bowl outside the barrel and fewer ladies in very short shorts or worse for him to ogle. I guess he must be forced to eat fresh crab plus a decent salad for lunch at his favourite eatery.
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Yes, 6th December, albf, when the unions try desperately to reassert their dominance.

I feel sorry for Macron in one sense; any president who tries to modernise France, to remove unfair anomalies and maybe eventually bring the hideous debt and tax bill under control will always get it in the neck. There are a lot of vested interests out there who want to keep their rice bowl full at the expense of others.

All the fault of Mitterand!
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THANK YOU, Cajal........ha!ha!ha!ha!

I enjoyed that enormously, didn't realise what I'd missed, not having seen the interview...lol

I'm glad at least SOMEONE realised I was only trying to be funny.....but, of course, I didn't succeed as well as you have[:D]

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