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Who to vote for?


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Hearing all these candidates drone on and on about this that and the other perhaps the ballot paper should have an option of 'Lucky Dip' for those undecided. Putting an 'X' here would cause a computer to generate a random selection for a party and assign it to the voter.
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OTOH, I want to point out that perhaps those "mindless" voters are not as docile and thougtless as you would think!

I suggest that it is possible that people who live together or are influenced by past experiences may indeed share the values and mind set of those they are close to.  So, I find it not unlikely that children would vote as their parents, peers, etc.

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 I can safely say that as soon as I can I switch all british politicians off as soon as they come on the tv or radio. I just don't read or watch now.

I sincerely hope our local MP gets the boot, because they are as awful as the last Labour one we had. 

I don't know who I am going to vote for, but I shall be voting and shall have to have a little look at who is on our list before next Thursday.

I have no interest in the party leaders at all and there are a three I particularly dislike intensely.

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Mint, I hear what you say - yes, indeed, and there's the rub.  People just are not taught these days to think for themselves, and make up their own minds.   Hence the cults of celebrity by those not before really worthy of the name, "the don't want to stand out from the crowd", etc so herd instinct be it from family or peers matters not.  That's what I meant .... and for once in my life I voted against my usual instincts as I want to see a difference ... and this year it is possible as our constituency is currently much more open than it has been for years.

And since my proxy vote has already been decided I don't watch the politicians' (correct use of the apostrophe, I hope!) debates and news any more, I hear enough from listening to the radio headlines as I work.

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It's predicted that we'll have the first snows of the winter next Thursday so probably the turnout will be low.
Judith - I agree with you. If everyone ever had the ability to think for themselves, most have lost it now since the influence of the media.
We have a good longstanding Labour MP who has got a lot done here, and will vote for him.
Can't stand Johnson.

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Conservatives have held Wokingham since 1950, when the constituency came into being, and our MP from 1987 has been John Redwood. He has always been strongly in favour of leaving the EU and is a member of the ERG.

Normally nobody could beat him, but there’s a small chance this time. Philip Lee left the Conservative party, for whom he was MP for Slough, and is standing for the Lib Dems. He’s also a GP.

Wokingham voted to stay in the EU in the referendum and votes in a high number of Lib Dem councillors. I’ll be voting for the Lib Dems, I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed and hoping against hope that Philip Lee wins.
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[quote user="Patf"]
Can't stand Johnson.


Pat, me neither.  Did you hear Andrew Neil "empty chairing" him?  Like many on here, I am avoiding the debates, the polls, etc because they either annoy me or bore me to tears. So I didn't see it myself.

Apparently, Neil asked how Boris is going to stand up to Trump, Putin, etc if he couldn't face Andrew Neil for half an hour?

I think Boris is running scared ........ terrified that his lies are catching him up! 

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Redwood, yes, I remember him well from when he was Welsh Secretary.  Used to see him on the train platform in Bridgend, ususally earlyish in the morning.  Never approached him of course and never sat next to him as he would be in first and I'd be in cattle class.  Also, I got off in the next stop, in Cardiff, and I supposed he'd be off to London.

There he'd be with his sour ascetic face and spare frame and I used to think he looked like a dyspeptic monk or similar and that maybe he looked like Rasputin (imagination going wild here!)  He looked so colourless and, for me, lacked all animation, what with his slight lisp and his wooden gesturing hands.....yuck!

He was infamous for not knowing the Welsh national anthem.  There was a TV camera shot of him moving his lips and it was obvious that he was only pretending to sing.  A Welsh Secretary who didn't know the Welsh national anthem was taken as a serious insult by the Welsh and I don't think he lasted long in that post.

I think a predecessor of his, Peter Walker, fared rather better and got on OK, despite him being a Tory and of course Haig learnt Welsh from a native Welsh woman in the Welsh Office and then he married her.  So, he was, like me, some sort of honorary Welsh person[:)]

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If you're not capable of successfully manouevering your way around your shoe cupboard and you're also unable to distinguish your left foot from your right, how could you possibly be responsible for the security and safety of 68 million residents of the GB and NI?

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[quote user="cajal"]
If you're not capable of successfully manouevering your way around your shoe cupboard and you're also unable to distinguish your left foot from your right, how could you possibly be responsible for the security and safety of 68 million residents of the GB and NI?


A shallow ignorant point of view.

'If most of us are ashamed by of shabby clothing and shoddy furniture let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.'

Albert Einstein

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Michael Foot won more seats back in 1983!!!!

Once the champagne socialists absorb that fact, they may, just may begin to make inroads back into becoming a viable alternative.

Tip for the future:

Don't tell the electorate you will honour a referrendum vote and then campaign on a alternative policy.

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