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Where have all the flours gone?


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Where have all the flours gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the flours gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the flours gone?

Girls have picked them every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn

Well not that long ago, ie the last week........ and where is all the bloody flour?

I bake! I bake scones, pastries, cakes, breads of all sorts. I bake. I use flour.

I do not know anyone who bakes as much as me, and most of my friends just don't.

As there are so few of us who 'bake' where has the flour gone and what on earth are people doing with it apart from
hoarding it. Would they know how to bake?

This is not the only thing that I simply do not get.

It is also very strange as to which supermarkets have empty shelves and with which items.  In general where I live, I seem to be able to buy most things apart from flour and long life milk (if I wanted it, which I don't as there is plenty of fresh milk) and yet not that far away, there are supermarkets which have been 'emptied' of so much.

All very very odd, this current human behaviour, which I just don't understand.

There again with me living so long en campagne in France, I always have a well stocked larder and well stocked freezers, just what I am used to.

Is there a flour shortage in France too, because in France hardly any one I knew baked.

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We were saying much the same thing yesterday. Most of the vege cleared out at our two supermarkets but a family-owned fruiterers within 200 yards of both had bursting shelves and hardly any customers. No bread in supermarkets but corner shops left with unsold loaves.

I can only think that after seeing images of panic buying in the media, the public has focussed on supermarkets and, once there, has bought everything in sight and ignored other outlets.
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Yes,  a friend told me that all the fruit and veg had gone in Sainsburys, where as here, Morrisons and Asda had plenty.

I never knew anyone in France who baked their own bread and friends have never mentioned starting it since I left.

So, who is buying this flour and what on earth are they doing with it. I do realise that they can look recipes up on the internet, but with bread, unless one waits weeks to make a sour dough, yeast is required.

I bought my yeast, just need the flour to make my bread and pizzas up now.

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Thanks for the links cajal.

The first says it is not taking new orders.

Both helas are not quite in our neck of the woods, the NE of England, covers quite an area.

No yeast available either today.

And the pubs and restaurants are closing from midnight so we went to a favourite restaurant tonight and left a very very good tip, as the staff will need the money.

All we can do now it try and help others as best we can. Just is what it is.

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