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Well I am dead beat now.

Busy day, started two different lots of bread off.

Went shopping, then the hairdresser, the last client as she is closing for the duration.

Home agin, baked a big plain cake, 12 cherry scones, an apple and strawberry crumble and custard. Shaped the bread to rise again.

Made dinner.

Bread is just baking now.

And I am just about out of flour, but will have a good stock of baked goods in the freezer, apart from the crumble, which was pud for tonight and tomorrow.

My kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it when I had finished and I still have sorting out to do.[blink]

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All sounds delicious, idun!

I felt dead after I had sneaked to my local bookshop to pick up an order, without realising what a horrendous east wind was blowing. I had forgotten my woolly hat, so returned cold and mis, and had to have a good sit down to recover. Been out better-clad since then though, so all good.

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  Yes, the east wind was horrific, cut straight through me too.

I wouldn't care the sun was shining, so I didn't put on a suitable coat for such a wind.

I soon warmed up in my kitchen upon my return, in fact I was too hot a couple of times.

I am going to order some books, some MC Beaton books, I am more than a bit addicted to them.Simply very light reading and so different to my usual reading matter.

I read serious and all too often gruesome detective stories and when they get a bit much, I pick up an MC Beaton and read a chapter and then go back to my other book. Works splendidly for me.

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Coming to terms with not being able to go out walking. Had been averaging about 5 kms a day. Did 5 tours round the residence, all of 2.25kms. The view of the city is bizarre to say the least. Initial fervor of emptying draws and cleaning is wearing off. Not dead, but still feeling drained.

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It does seem very quiet on the forum, but I have only recently returned so figured this may be the norm.  Yet, with all the virus problems, I thought more people would be posting, if only just to talk - not necessarily about the virus.

I have not set foot outside in a week.  I just don't want to get sick.  It is really difficult staying in a small apartment.  We would normally walk between 10,000 and 18,000 steps per day here.  That is one of the greatest things about living here.  You walk everywhere !

So, it is hard sitting still.  I don't bake much anymore Idun.  Your baking sounds wonderful.  I don't really have the ingredients here if I wanted to bake.  We changed the way we eat a couple of years ago.  I lost 40 pounds and husband lost 50.  So, we are trying not to gain it back sitting still.  Hard to do !  I'm used to going out each day for fresh food.  This is really weird.

I do have to go out today as I'm doing laundry and the dryer in this apartment is a condenser dryer (total piece of crap !).  So, I'll need to walk 30 meters to the laverie to use the dryer...

The aerial views of the city streets in broad daylight with nearly no one on them is surreal.

News out of the States looks absolutely dire.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]ALBF is still alive and kicking.

I've been self isolating in the garden.

The garden has never looked so good.

But I need to buy some grass seed. Where the hell do I get grass seed from ?[/quote]

A grass seed shop - marked "GSS"

Or in French "MSH"


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Lori, we’ve also been self-isolating for over a week now, didn’t join our family celebration for our younger son’s birthday and Mothering Sunday last Sunday.

Our younger son normally works from our home, has had an office here for 3 years, so we miss his cheery presence.

We’re missing seeing our granddaughters, didn’t see them every day but a lot, as they live so close. But our son dropped off some shopping into our porch yesterday and it was lovely talking to the girls from a safe distance across the grass verge through the car window.

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As usual, it's very quiet in our village, so I started to clean up the garden and managed to cut most of the grass but with this bitterly cold wind yesterday and today we've decided to stay indoors. Lots of other people worse off, an English couple we know who have a holiday home near us and were waiting to apply for residency went back to Engand to sort out some legal things now can't get back so have had to ask me to shut their house down. Our son who lives and works in Thailand was going to Burma next week to do a return trip to get his visa restamped, yesterday Burma shut the borders. He rang this morning and said as Thailand had today shut down all flights out of the country he was going to immigration tomorrow and hopefully get an overstay permit. What a mess it is everywhere. We also are in the process of applying for residency in France, so what will happen to all that now is up in the air. At least we are happy to be in the countryside with lots of fresh air and no crowds. Thank goodness for Skype and WhatsApp at least we can see the Grandchildren.
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My daughter’s therapy centre has had to close but she posted the news with this which amused me:

S’en sortir sans sortir

Agreed about the cold wind, Nick. My plot is surrounded by hedges which does give some cover so I am limiting myself to afternoons. Which takes the strain off an aching back, at least.
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HOUSEWORK![:-))] to fend off 'boredom' and occupy my time! You have to be kidding[:'(]

What an awful thought that is.

We are doing no more than usual which is enough to not live in a mucky house, and not enough for if ever we get friends round to think that I am severely unwell and had a personality change.

All the baking I did yesterday apart from the crumble and custard was frozen into individual portions. And I gave my neighbour a baguette.

If I am not going daft cleaning, I do have paperwork to sort out and a couple of cupboards to go through, and as these jobs have been in my pending list for some time, they will remain so, that is until I can be 'rsed to do them. It looks like I shall have quite some time to get on with them.

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I can relate to the paperwork.  Before we moved back here, we shredded what seemed like a million documents.  That's what I get for letting them collect over the years.  It took us days to go through it all. 

We followed a similar process with nearly everything we owned.  Purge, purge, purge, til there was little left. 

So, here we have nothing to go through.  We are scheduled to move to a different rental in mid June.  I sure as heck hope that doesn't get messed with by all this craziness. 

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I'm kept busy doing everything BUT housework .. unless you call cooking to eat housework!  Like you Lori, I shredded lots before I came here ... but it's mounted up, and I could spend months on it .. likewise almost all the to do list which never gets looked at usually unless it is urgent.  My current project since I now do have the time, is to sort and digitise old photos, of which there are many, including some which had to be rescued from the flood 3 years ago ... and now I know why it never got done, it is rather more time consuming that I expected as my scanner is not of the fastest! 

Hey ho, here goes for today's batch!

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