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For Lori and all those bemoaning the lack of flour in the shops


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Oh so nice of you Mint.  I have to admit, I have tried a dozen or so different, non flour recipes and had no happiness.  I'll have a look though.  Maybe I'll see something different.

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I can now get flour.

I have three recipes without flour in them that I make from time to time, two with ground polenta and another which is one I 'invented' many years ago and is a chocolate one.

Also there is always banoffee pie, with it's crushed biscuits, and layered banana and caramel.

Lori, in England 'I' and I suppose many make the caramel for this, by simmering an unopened can of lait concentre sucre in a big pan, completely covered in the boiling water for several hours.

I make other types of caramel regularly but always like this for banoffee pie.

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Actually, idun, you can get "confiture de lait" now in France, which is pretty much the same thing.

Years ago, the evening before quitting our rented flat, I was boiling up a tin in the traditional manner you describe. Sadly, while busy cleaning and packaging I allowed it to boil dry; the tin exploded, and festooned the ceiling with stalactites of sticky caramel. That was a cleaning job I hadn’t anticipated...

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 Yes, Loiseau you can get it ready made here too and I have never bought it, as I am not sure how toffee'ish it is, so on the rare occasion that I make it, I still boil the tin of milk.

My that was a bomb going off and it was a good job you were nowhere near when it went off. And there was me thinking that the worst  I had heard of was when a friend left her pressure cooker unattended with beetroot in it, it went off and redecorated the kitchen.

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That caramel dish sounds delicious.  Maybe if I can get these two kilos off, I'll give it a try.

I've tried the confiture de lait here in France and I find it quite good, but I have never made it myself, so nothing to compare it to.

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If the unopened can of lait sucre is simmered, completely immersed in the water for about 4 hours the caramel is quite thick. I let it cool a little before spreading over the biscuit base, crushed cookies mixed with melted butter which covers the baking pan's base, then sliced banana and then the caramel. And some top with cream.

I have had it made with other caramels on this, when invited. And as I said I make several types of caramel, but I would find them even richer,   ecoeurante even, on a bannoffee pie and prefer the lait sucre,   but obviously others like it  like that.

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