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Overall, American death rates from COVID-19 data (aggregated across all states with available data and the District of Columbia) have reached new highs for all race groups:

1 in 1,500 Black Americans has died (or 65.8 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 2,300 Indigenous Americans has died (or 43.2 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,100 Pacific Islander Americans has died (or 32.7 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,200 Latino Americans has died (or 31.1 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,600 White Americans has died (or 28.5 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,700 Asian Americans has died (or 27.7 deaths per 100,000)
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[quote user="chanteur"]Overall, American death rates from COVID-19 data (aggregated across all states with available data and the District of Columbia) have reached new highs for all race groups:

1 in 1,500 Black Americans has died (or 65.8 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 2,300 Indigenous Americans has died (or 43.2 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,100 Pacific Islander Americans has died (or 32.7 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,200 Latino Americans has died (or 31.1 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,600 White Americans has died (or 28.5 deaths per 100,000)

1 in 3,700 Asian Americans has died (or 27.7 deaths per 100,000)[/quote]

I don't believe the true U.S. numbers are being released.  Mr. Trump said he was advising 'his people' to stop releasing the number of deaths by COVID.  With daily case numbers now in the 40,000 range (nationwide), it is very hard to believe the 400 or 500 daily national death rates.

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Yes, it does seem unbelievable, but I don't think that any country’s results can be believed, as it appears that all underplay their results even with the best will.

But some countries would seem to surpass themselves with under-reporting, some are totally unbelievable.
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I have just finished watching one of the most harrowing TV shows ever, Chernobyl, at the end the Russian government released " official" figures saying the 31 people had died due to the explosion and radiation. Never believe government figures. As to the American figures given on the first post, would you think that they are relative to a lifestyle?
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Interesting figures.

My first reaction was one of amazement as to how SMALL the bill of mortality actually is.  1 in Several Thousand, no matter what your  -  O how fashionable  -  ethnic identity.  There are similar (and largely trivial) differences of mortality between males and females, and between blood groups O and A  

And secondly how strange and interesting that in US 'Asians' were the least badly hit, whilst in UK it was 'Southern Asians' who experienced the most catastrophic loss.  And I greatly respect all those who lost their lives standing at the Front Line of this medical battle.

But I am intrigued that the 'BLM' confraternity, who were promising Doomsday Retribution for the effnick inequalities in the visitation of COVID 19, have suddenly gone very quiet now that it has been revealed that the disproportionate sufferers in UK were in fact Indians.

What happened?  Did the cat get their otherwise vociferous tongues?

But 'Indian' is not at all the correct answer I now understand.  Hard working, engaged, aspirational, high earners.  Not at all the right sort of forrin, so the disaffected I suppose have now gone back home to feed their ponies.

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