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Complete France Forum

Surprise Email


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I had an email from a very good friend this morning.

The only slight snag is that he passed away 3 months ago.

It was of course a quite frequently used scam email. It reads along the lines of “I can’t make telephone contact at the moment (you bet he can’t!) so will you email me?”. The follow-up is a request for money to be transferred and your bank details so that he can reimburse.

Normally, all the individual’s contacts will get the scam message, and in this instance, this will be quite upsetting to a lot of people I’m sure. Nasty business.

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I had one of those a while back. It wasn't too upsetting for me since I wasn't close to the deceased, but it could be devastating for someone else.

I also had a very uncharacteristic mail frome mint of this  Forum  [:-))], unlikely in that she was asking me for money, but rather convincing in that the sender seemed to have genuine knowledge of a health problem that was really true.
In fact of course her email had been hacked.

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