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Too busy with Christmas


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How can anyone sane blame civil servants for the unprofessional behaviour of a Tory minister although I know that your blinkered approach will forgive them anything. Mind you there was no point in reading anything to do with the deal because democracy as far as that party is concerned is no more than following the party line. If only they hadn’t arrogantly insisted upon finishing everything before sufficient time had passed to make the necessary checks then the problems that we are seeing now may never have happened. Not reading the relevant sections of the deal was unprofessional, joking about it during an interview shows how shallow and unsuitable for office these people are.
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Surely the whole point of waiting for Christmas Eve before concluding the agreement was exactly that, to ensure that ministers weren't likely to read it. Of course Johnson has full confidence in her, she did exactly what she was supposed to do.

Though I do just wonder whether the fact she's been so blatant about it, is the sign of a minister who is realises what a farce was and is not happy about her part in it.

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Over the years many ministers have been let down by their civil servants, often enough because they dislike the minister or the policy and want to embarrass him or her (or any station in between). This has little or nothing to do with Party.

I suspect that the minister in question had read the text so many times that they were heartily sick of it.

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I'd be interested to know what hours a civil servant is contracted to work and whether their roles are covered outside of those hours.

For instance, if a civil servant has officially booked holiday over Christmas (I presume they are entitled a set number of days of annual leave like private sector workers?) can they legitimately switch their phones off and forget about work?

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Brit said...

"How can anyone sane blame civil servants for the unprofessional behaviour of a Tory minister although I know that your blinkered approach will forgive them anything. Mind you there was no point in reading anything to do with the deal because democracy as far as that party is concerned is no more than following the party line. If only they hadn’t arrogantly insisted upon finishing everything before sufficient time had passed to make the necessary checks then the problems that we are seeing now may never have happened. Not reading the relevant sections of the deal was unprofessional, joking about it during an interview shows how shallow and unsuitable for office these people are".....

Nowww.. that hass to be said in a Cooornish accent to be understood. My lover.

Brit..paragraphs please. We speak English.

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BinB wrote:

Not reading the relevant sections of the deal was unprofessional, joking about it during an interview shows how shallow and unsuitable for office these people are".

Come on BinB, somebody has to keep the English spirits up, there's too much doom and gloom and banging on about boring; depressing, irrelevant stuff like Scottish firms going bust and NI shops running out of food. The public are taking it all too seriously.

You have to admit ministers are on sparkling form today. Greasy Mogg cracked a brilliant joke too:

"The key is we've got our fish back. They're now British fish and they're better and happier fish for it,"
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