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"Covid or Brexit? Which sh*tshow do you want to talk about?"


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Those incidentally are not my own words.  They are quoted from this article:


Having followed Rawnsley's columns for decades, I do think he sums up situations clearly and in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

Personally, I am not much inclined to talk about either of those things, having given up completely any remote hope of happy endings but I thought some on the forum might be interested.

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Well, given that the previous Prime Minister seemed not to be very assertive as regards Brexit and was seemingly walked over by Brussels, it is good to see the British standing up for the nation’s interest.

To be fair, the EU has its own problems with Italy and Hungary maybe withdrawing, the chance that the budget may be voted down and growing anti Brussels feeling generally.
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If that were the case why did he sign the treaty in the first place?

You need to take off the blinkers.

He's an inveterate liar who lied about the situation with Northern Ireland and then renegaded.

He is a disgrace to the great office he holds.

Unfortunately he has surrounded himself with inexperienced and mainly incompetent yes men and got rid of many principled and experience members of his own party.

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BiB, that post was below even your meagre standards. I must assume that you have been at the grape or the grain, again.

Had you bothered to look at one of my posts on an earlier thread ypu would have seen that I do not particularly like BJ.

Bu then I suppose you prefer the late alternative, an antisemitic fanatic?
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Well Woolly one, what did you think of Ed’s performance today? I’m sure you appreciated how he put that overweight lying PM in his place. You will also have noticed that today his placed was slumped on the bench.

Of course you won’t have seen anything of the sort because your prejudice prevents you from seeing what’s right in front of your eyes.
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  • 4 months later...
The truth is what you believe. People read the Guardian because it supports their views. most likely a Guardian reader reading a newspaper that is inclined to the right will disagree with the articles.

Reading a paper , left or right is like sucking a dummy; it supports you!!!
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Of course the truth is what you believe it to be. The truth may be hard to ascertain but whatever it is, and it usually supports your view, that is what you believe.

Bringing terror organisations and other such codswallop into it is nonsense.
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You are right it is beyond my comprehension, so please be patient with me and help me to learn and grow.

You said above: "the truth is what you believe it to be".

To me that is saying that if a person believes something to be true, then it is the truth. I can't think of another way to interpret that sentence. And that is beyond my comprehension because I cannot get past seeing a large difference between 'Trump believes this to be true therefore it is the truth' and 'Trump believes this to be true but it is not the truth'.

And yest I know I'm dim, there's no great secret about that...

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