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Complete France Forum

message to all users

Ex Forum Admin

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Dear All,

It has come to our attention that recently the forum has had a number of detrimental postings. It is our intention to keep the forum as an informative and pleasant environment for all users. To this end, we would like to reiterate the following points:

1. Please choose your words carefully when posting a message. It is difficult to obtain the tone of written messages unlike when speaking directly to someone.

2. Please keep to the topic of the original thread. This will help users to locate the information that they are looking for and will save space on the servers.

3. There is to be no 'naming and shaming' on the site. If you have any complaints about particular individuals then contact the relevant parties/authorities. Any such messages/threads will be deleted and the user may be removed.

4. While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any material that we feel contravenes our Terms and Conditions as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every single message. Although there are certain procedures in place, please let us know if you see any of this material and we will remove it.

5. There is to be no abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum. If you receive an e-mail of this nature please forward it forthwith so that the senders can be dealt with. The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing this.

Of course, it is only the minority that are breaking the rules and we would like to thank the rest of our users for their polite, helpful and pleasant conduct. It is you that make this an exceptional resource for the great number of users that we have.

As the forum is continually growing it is our intention to create 'community moderators' to help us. If you regularly use this forum and are interested in helping to moderate/improve it's content please let us know by e-mailing
Thank you for the continued support and we look forward to a positive future together.


Forum Administrator.
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