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Because Mint,

perhaps, these people need to have enemies in order to enhance their

lives. Scientific studies have shown that, given the right

circumstances, people will create ‘enemies’ in order to maintain

a stable or coherent view of the world. This gives them a sense of

control as they can then attribute all the negatives of said world to

these enemies. Having enemies ironically makes them feel safer. It’s

a human weakness unfortunately often exploited by politicians

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I would have thought that the question should be asked of someone who fits your description not generally as, well, how would someone else know? They can speculate, perhaps even quote all sorts of things but you need ask someone directly, if you know of someone that is! Otherwise I can't really see how you can get an answer.

Obviously if there is someone who has no love for the E.U. and says nothing but derogatory things about the E.U. perhaps they may wish to answer!! I certainly have no love for the E.U. I have made that clear as for the second part of your question I can't recall saying anything derogatory about the E.U. let alone 'nothing but derogatory!! Ah! perhaps the Vaccine fiasco but I think that everyone agrees with that criticism. Other than that I can't help I'm afraid!!!

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Some or these people.....would that include certain types like Putin or Trump. Or maybe Macron !!!...or even the EU itself.

You wrote..

"people need to have enemies in order to enhance their lives people will create ‘enemies’ in order to maintain a stable or coherent view of the world. This gives them a sense of control as they can then attribute all the negatives of said world to these enemies. Having enemies ironically makes them feel safer. It’s a human weakness"

I would say...that is Macron in a nutshell personally.

So we could argue that is more likely to be politiciens showing thease traits rather than others.
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Mr huge said..

"tells you everything you need to know about the mindset of Brexiteers"

Aaaah but but..but Mr Huge (ALBF talking) I am not a Brexiteer.

I just hate the EU 'institution'. And so does my OH (French). And she studied in Strasbourg.

Everyone should hate them.

It should be dismantled and rebuilt.

Then maybe we can have some peace around here and have a good night sleep.

The EU institution has become like 'Hal 9000' in The Space Odyssey.

"Sorry Dave, I can't do that"

That is what the EU has become. A deranged computer.
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ALBF, why exactly should we hate the EU? And please don't tell me it's bureaucratic. Of course it's bureaucratic. All administrations are bureaucratic. Your local village or town council is bureaucratic. It's also highly protectionist. Its foreign trade agreements are designed to protect French farming and German industry and so on. There is no such thing as "free trade". All countries negotiate their trade agreements with an eye to their own interests.

The EU is not without faults. Of course it's not. But it is a remarkable achievement. It has brought together over 25 countries which throughout history have been at one another's throats - the war memorials of Europe are testament to that. The question to ask - the question the Brexiteers should have asked themselves - is not whether the EU is faulty, but what better institution we can replace it with.
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In answer to your question ,the EU should just be free movement of people goods and services.

A few rules and laws here and there to keep us all ticking along.

It does not need two expensive headquarters with lots of expensive people who seem to be completely clueless about life that exists outside their bubble.

Just my thoughts.

Life used to tick along nicely in the 80's and 90's.

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So there is only one single person on the whole Forum who "has no love for the EU", Ken?  I find that rather strange as I am certain I have heard others assert how vindictive, childish, useless, ineffective, stupid, (any number of taunts) the EU have shown themselves to be.

NOT that I mind if others do not wish to nail their colours to the mast.  I was only interested in why people choose to live here if there is not much they admire or even like about the country.  Mere idle curiosity, if you prefer ....

Antonia, I find your answer most interesting and I shall examine the contents further[:)]

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I think, perhaps, ALBF has given us a clue as to why some people remain disenchanted with the EU. If I am right, ( and please feel free to correct me ALBF I won't be offended ) his dissatisfaction stems from the constitutional treaty of 2004 which was rejected by the people of both France and the Netherlands. Yet it was ratified nevertheless. FWIW I also think that was a shameful piece of European politics but, in my view, the fight has to be conducted from within, not without.

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Antonia wrote the following post at 30 Jun 2021 19:48:

I think, perhaps, ALBF has given us a clue as to why some people remain disenchanted with the EU ..

.. but, in my view, the fight has to be conducted from within, not without.

I agree with you .. I have always said that the EU has many faults but that the best way to reform it/change it is from inside it.
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MINT: "No love for the E.U. and says derogatory things" that was your question. I too have heard people condemn the E.U. on various individual occasions. Vaccinations being a case in point.

However I have't Come across anyone who continually says bad things about the EU. other than ALBF. It would be rather strange if the whole of this forum was so satisfied with the E.U. they never criticise it now and again.

I still think that by asking the question of people here that you have then the answers won't be satisfactory and will be biased against anyone who does 'slander' the e.U. After all the majority seem to be satisfied with the E.U.

I still think that if youn know of people that are continually saying derogatory things about the E.U. your question should be aimed at them. As far as I can see there is only one!!

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Well, I blame Brexit squarely at the door of the EU.

They have to take 'most' of the responsibility for this mess.

To be fair, the way they are behaving now is probably worse than when we were members.

Somebody had to take a stand.

But you can't blame individuals in the UK for voting Brexit. Because most did not know what they were voting for in the first place.

But certainly, the threats that Juncker made on the eve of the vote certainly swayed it.

If he had been quiet we would not be having this conversation.

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ABLF: But you can't blame individuals in the UK for voting Brexit. Because most did not know what they were voting for in the first place.

In your view; what do you think they believed they were voting for? I have heard that said many times but no-one has come up with why all these 'stupid' people ; the majority that is; voted to leave!
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@ Ken

Firstly, I have not called anyone stupid.

Secondly, the majority of people who 'voted' voted leave.

That is not majority of the UK.

Noel Gallagher summed it up nicely..

“Look, I think it’s ridiculous that we’re leaving. None of us were even qualified to vote. You ask a guy above a chippy in Bradford if we should leave Europe.

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A poor construction on my part. You haven't called anyone stupid. Secondly I haven't said that the majority of Brits voted to leave as I feel sure you would know. I do say, as you have, that the majority who voted did vote to leave. That is clear.

I ask you again though as you haven't answered my question. What was the reason, in your view why the majority who voted; voted to leave?
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@ Thanks Judith.

@ Ken

I don't really think the 'EU' had much to do with the Brexit vote as such.

People wanted something different.

It certainly has shaken things up. Will it work ? Who knows.

But I (and my OH) and others who I have talked to in France think it is quite exciting.

But no, if I had the vote, I would not have voted out. But I am excited for the UK. I would even consider living there given the chance.

Remember, the British are very different in their mindset to their European counterparts. The French will vote for change and then protest against change. Usually violently. Whereas the British will try and make it work.

That is why Macron is so jealous of the UK and why he is doing his upmost to spoil the party.

Horrible little man.
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