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Norman, are you listening?


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Yes, agree entirely that Nacht und Traume was beautifully sung. 

And have to agree again re the bass, the lower notes did not have the tingle factor.

But do you like the soprano from Belarus?  I thought she was lovely but OH had reservations.

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Norman, you have hit the nail on the head.  I have seen a few programmes lately where I have not liked things but not exactly sure why.

It's just as you say:  all show and no substance[:'(]

And everything suitably dumbed down in case you can't undestand and in case your concentration is so stretched that you might switch off........it really, really gets me down sometimes.

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I have now watched the Finale and I didn't think any of them really shone in comparison to their performances in earlier rounds.

I was pleased to hear Maltman echo my view about the Korean 'bass' as being a  'dark' baritone...

I think some of the non-finalists were at least as good as this lot..

The Turkish tenor I mentioned before, the French soprano (and the Swiss one) and the German Bass all impressed me.

The young Welsh girl is full of promise too [:)]

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guess you are too highbrow to be interested but, for everyone else, there is the 14 July concert en direct from Paris tonight on France 2 starting at 21.00!

A bit Proms in the Park crossed with Top of the Pops but I have only watched it the once so my description might be a bit off.

So, you don't like the music, nevermind, the fireworks are perfectly magnifique.  I'll watch the first 10 minutes or so to see if continuing is worthwhile.

Hope this post comes out OK as you never know with the new, responsive, state of the art forum software that we have been gifted[;-)]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Meant to say that although I am no big fan of Last Night, I shall be watching just to listen to  Jonas Kaufmann.

And, to whet appetites, here is Kaufmann singing the Flower Song from Carmen


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For those who don't know Giordano's Andrea Chénier, it's an opera set at the time of the French revolution.  It's been playing to wide critical acclaim at the Royal Opera House.

Norman, I thought the orchestra directed by Papano played superbly and the bass baritone was unbelievably good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Alas, can't listen at the moment as I am without sound.  Pat, I don't mind a bit of smaltz myself!

As an aside, I heard the pas de deux from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker arranged for HARP and orhestra yesterday and it was not a bad interpretation.

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So, does nobody at all in all of the forum who likes the New Year's Day concert from Vienna?

Year after year I have posted about it on here and there's nary a response[:'(]

How sad, I mean how sad, for all the people missing out!

I promise you, you've never heard a waltz until you have heard this orchestra play it.  Just listen out for the pauses and feel drawn into the music!

And you could actually listen to the Radestski march without waggling even a tiny part of your foot?

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