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Norman, are you listening?


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[quote user="Patf"]Beautiful [:D] Bach always brings tears to my eyes, don't know why.
I've just read some of this thread for the first time - didn't realise it was about music .
You've pricked my conscience about the piano SW17 - I haven't played for ages, excuse of a poorly shoulder!

Well, Pat, this piece of Bach is GUARANTEED to get you back playing again [:D]


Also, if you look at the early posts (which I have just done after your post) you might realise that I was trying to cheer Norman up as he was very ill at the time and I used a title that I thought would make him sit up and take notice![:P]  Looks like it succeeded, wouldn't you say?

Norman, the most marvellous thing, OH found a bit of connector that would link up the record deck with the Bose and, my goodness, all that music that has brought back memories is playing at all hours again![:D][:D][:D]  Good job we never got rid of the record deck or the records!

There is an LP of Margaret Price singing Italian, German and Welsh songs.

Then an LP from I don't know how long ago as it was under a fiver (the price is still on it!) full of Baroque music: Pachelbel, Vivaldi, Albinoni, Handel, Durante, Scarlatti, Pergolesi, etc etc.

Back to the Vinci, Norman, what I would really like to hear more of is the soprano, Simone Kermes; a truly beautiful voice and wonderful singing.

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Have you seen this one? If only I could play like that!


Sometimes I wonder if he was a reincarnation of Bach.

And I think you've managed to cheer Norman up, SW17. Obviously the healing power of music.

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Pat, the singing just cracks me up.  But he was always doing that, wasn't he? [:D]

Anyway, an update on Simone Kermess.  A kind Forum member has tracked down the CD for me and I have bought it.

Anyone want to know any details, please PM.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From a cheerful chappie[:D]

Two more Bach. Idiosyncratic performances, controversial even, but I love them, even though they could be accused of being over emotional.

Her 'voicing' of the parts, her legato and her spirituality are wonderful:




Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum.

Without Music Life would be a mistake. ...

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The Sciciliano is for flute, so of course a flautist couldn't play it that slowly,

 but this is  an arrangement,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbdXGv1MJAo  (second movement)

 as is the second piece which is a chorale prelude written for organ.


Again it is slow, but I regard her playing as meditative rather than as an 'authentic' representation.

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Hey, guys, my Simone Kermes CD has arrived.

Hope this link works: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=simone+kermes+youtube&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&ved=0CEgQtwIwBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVxCAnmGRqUk&ei=OBsBUfuaA_K00QXXgoDoDA&usg=AFQjCNFelHQGHXJMfePXXTo1NiRDvrOYOA&bvm=bv.41248874,d.d2k

Just something for now.  I'm in a dash, making fishcakes for lunch so will be up to my elbows in flour, egg, mashed pots, etc.

Haven't listened to your links yet, Norman, but à bientôt...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Norman, I see you are still up so I want to ask you:  have you been catching Howard Goodall on the BBC in "The Story of Music"?

I personally find Goodall an irritating man and I don't always like his commentary but the music is worth putting up with him.

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But I understand entirely.  I avoid lots of programmes, not just music ones, because I can't stand the bloody presenters.

However, it was huge compensation to watch and listen to many of  my much-loved and favourite pieces of music and, more importantly, to re-live the occasions when I first heard them and fell completely under their spell.

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You can catch up by watching on iPlayer.


An easy way is to use Clair's recommendation and use Google Chrome as a browser, with this add-on installed:


As I have previously explained to Sweets I bought some external speakers for my computer which means that I can use it as a CD player, and get excellent TV sound too as I watch on my monitor (a 27" HD screen so big enough for me)

If ever you do buy speakers make sure they are with a separate bass unit..

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[quote user="Patf"]I missed it too - we were watching recorded rugby.
I looked up Howard Goodall and he looks like a younger version of Piers Morgan - is he just as smug?
I would have loved to have heard the music though.

A hell of a lot smugger and even more irritating [6]


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Which Ted Heath? The opera lover or this one?


Just teasing [;-)]

We met the politician once when we visited the House of Commons and sat in the visitor's Gallery. He was siting behind us with some visitors.

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I know he emphasised that it was HIS story of music, even so, I'd have liked more on the Neapolitan influence.  It lacked crucial emphasis on Monteverdi, for example, Scarlatti (père et fils), even Porpora (though he was later).

I don't want to nitpick, only grateful that they are still making these sorts of programmes at all.

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Hi, guys, don't forget extra musical treats from the BBC this year.

Cardiff Singer of the World, so get geared up, won't you?[:D]

Just thought I'd give you plenty of notice so if you want to buy new speakers, TV, whatever.....

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Goodall was unbelievably smug and quite horrible.

But Beethoven was showcased so that was exciting.

Then, when he compared Adele singing one of her own compostions (I believe) to Schumann's songs, I just had to "grincer les dents", as you might have put it, Norman.

Pat, I hope you are catching the programme; plenty to enjoy despite the odious Goodall.

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