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Complete France Forum

In support of Eleanor


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Dear Elaeanor,

Please, please, forgive - or at least ignore - the dimwits who want to bite the hand that feeds them. Living France's website is a gem, and a lot of its success is down to you. I can't be sure, of course, but I guess I am speaking for maybe 3900 people when I say "Don't tar us all with the same brush; most of us really appreciate the site and its moderator".

But just in case it does all end in tears, may I suggest that should we suddenly find ourselves inexplicably disconnected from the website, we all meet again at www.totalfrance.com. It doesn't have the breeding of this site, but it would be better than nothing.

And 3900 of us could help give it some breeding. The other 119 (or however many want to complain about Eleanor) might want to start their own site. Perhaps www.dickheads.com? On such a site they could contribute as many libellous and vituperative postings as they wished. They could all be rude and scathing towards each other. Indeed, if they bought a bit of extra hardware, they could all go fax themselves, and leave us nice folks to natter in peace.
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Lovely word - what does it mean?

Seriously though, there are some 'dickheads' on this forum but it is also a shame that the site is linked to the commercial interests of Living France which, I think, in the end will conspire to terminate this forum or perhaps transfer it to the apparantly non-commercial Total France operation.

This site is a great FREE service and I personally think the DC scripts software is much better than ???? standard forum software. It would be a great shame if this Forum were to close due to pressure from LF advertisers who at the end of the day call the tune.

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I want to go on record as saying that I have personally always found our Forum Administrator to be extremely helpful whenever I have needed to contact her. I had tremendous problems earlier in the year in connecting to the LF site and Eleanor went far out of her way to help me and followed up regularly afterwards. I think she's a gem, doing an often thankless task too. She deserves our appreciation.

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