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'Mark all'


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I think this may be connected with the 'yellow labels' and 'weird goings on' topics, but has anybody else found that clicking on 'Mark All' doesn't - i.e. when you come back and select 'read new' you get all the old posts as well as new? I'd wondered if maybe I wasn't allowing it enough time to mark everything before leaving the forum, but it isn't that. It works perfectly sometimes, but can take two or three attempts.

And having tried to plough through the 'best contributor' thread to see what all the fuss was about - it was the first time I'd looked at that topic for several days - isn't it difficult to follow? I can see why people can so easily take offence because they think a reply was directed at them when it wasn't, and how somebody can reply to one point and immediately sever the chain of replies to other points in the same post. That thread looks like the best possible advertisement for posts appearing in a set order, as so many people, most recently Frank, have requested.
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>I think this may be connected
>with the 'yellow labels'

I've also come back to the forum after having marked topics as read and found some of them had become unmarked. In fact I think I made a posting about it a couple of months ago.

>And having tried to plough through
>the 'best contributor' thread to
>see what all the fuss
>was about - it was
>the first time I'd looked
>at that topic for several
>days - isn't it difficult
>to follow?

Yes, sometimes you want to reply to several people and it could be done by separate replies, or you need to type in each persons name and add your comments that way. I still find it better than the way it is on Total France though, because on there, you read a comment and you have to go back through the lot to see what they were referring to. In fact, on the best contributor thread, I have just put in a reply because someone had gone in between two postings and it made it look as someone was agreeing with someone with the opposite opinion. So, perhaps we need to appeal to members to state exactly who they are directing comments at, because certainly, sometimes sub-threads do cause this sort of confusion. Perhaps if we amended the topic heading when we creat a sub-thread?

Jill (99)
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If you 'Mark All' when you've finised reading the posts and then later return - why do you select 'Read New'? If you 'Mark All', when you return any new posts are automatically highlighted in yellow and all you need to do is click on them. (I may be missing something here - if you select 'Read New' does that ONLY bring up the new 'sub-posts'? - any way I find it easier if all the posts are displayed as then you know what people are referring to, well most of the time)

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I also have the same problem as you with the 'mark all' facility. I generally log on once a day to see what's going on and always use 'read new' and 'mark all'. I am still getting posts from 31st Oct coming up as new. Also, I don't seem to get anything highlighted in yellow - am I doing something wrong?

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