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The Magazine (2)


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I take it all back. As mentioned in the other posting, I didn't renew my subscription when it expired in June as I had felt that the magazine was floundering in the initial few months after Trevor Yorke's departure. But on the spur of the moment, I did eventually renew in late Oct asking to start with the back editions I had missed. I therefore received four LF mags last week beginning with August's. And I have to go on record as saying I like it.

Very much regret the demise of the Forum column and why, I wonder? Did the advertisers (VEF are there prominently) have some say in this? But on the plus side I quite like the new layout, certainly the new type face, the crossword is good fun, hubbie says the learning the language page has vastly improved. Agree though that there does appear to be a huge increase in the number of ads scattered throughout the magazine but presumably these are a sign of the magazine's popularity and therefore unavoidable?

Finally, couldn't help noticing that Trevor is still around, though now in the capacity of "Consultant". Isn't everyone nowadays?

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