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Complete France Forum

Panic! To renew or......?

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We've just had the letter I've been dreading - our subscription is about to run out! In the past I would have just written another cheque, but now I'm not so sure. Do I really want more of Mark Elliott's boring drivel (surely he deserves a 'rest' after having contributed for SO long?), then there's the Blevins-Franks free ad -oops, sorry, informative article that doesn't really tell us much, a letters page that seems to be struggling to get letters... need I go on? However, we've been taking the magazine for so long that it's become a habit, so would we miss it if we don't renew?
We have a few weeks in which to decide. What have others done?
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I must admit that I have never subscribed to this (or any other) monthly.

I buy LF when I can (increasingly difficult nowadays), usually from Portsmouth Ferry Terminal, as I am passing through. I can't bring myself to read the mag in the shop, so I am usually disappointed as it frequently only takes me a few mins to read it.

I have to say that LF has gone downhill in editorial terms (as opposed to advertorial & advertising) over the 2 years that I have been reading it. As I don't want to buy a house in France (just Live there) then there is little to appeal to me.

Then again, I may not be in their target market.

If it wasn't for this Forum (which seems desperately overdue a software update) I wouldn't bother with LF.

That said none of the competition is much (read as "any") better, IMHO.

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We stopped subscribing not long after buying in the early 1990s, I bought the odd copy when I missed it or the cover looked interesting but was invariably unimpressed, the last one was about five years ago.
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