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Complete France Forum

unable to change forums


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I managed to reregister and provided I log in to start, I can read topics on a chosen forum. However if I hit the change forum 'go' button, a message comes up saying my server does not enable me to see the page. I then have to go back to the beginning and start all over again. Help the aged!!!

Also may I make the unoriginal but deeply held view that there is too much 'pub chat' e.g.about Saddam and nothing to do with France. Could you not set up a separate forum for people who need e-chums and not information on Living in France? Then we need not waste time scrolling through inanities to find a sensible topic. As our Wanadoo connection is so unreliable, it is difficult enough getting on the site anyway and staying on line for more than a few minutes. Only a thought.
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