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Carte de sejour


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I lived in France for a year in 2001 and never bothered with the carte de sejour. I queued up to get one, but was told I didn't have the right documentation with me (most of which I didn't have anyway). During this time I had a full time, legal and paid job. I'm moving back there soon and wondered how necessary it is to have a carte de sejour? what are the consequences of not having one and do you have to have a job first before you can get one? Everyone banged on about how important it was last time but i seemed to get on ok without.
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Since January 2004 the carte de sejour has been optional for citizens of EU countries. If you come from outside the EU you will still need one. How the rules apply vary considerably between prefectures, but in general you do not need to be employed before a carte de sejour is issued.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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