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Complete France Forum

How Do I ?


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Hi Punch here,

Congragulations to forum admin for a great new forum!

A quick question please; In the old forum I used to click on "mark all" before leaving, and then on returning click on "read new" to read any new messages. The latter feature seems to be missing (or I haven't yet found out how to do it).

Perhaps a how to guide with FAQ for the forum useage would be a good idea?

Kind regards,






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[quote]Hi Punch here, Congragulations to forum admin for a great new forum! A quick question please; In the old forum I used to click on "mark all" before leaving, and then on returning click on "read new"...[/quote]

Hi Punch,

There is a 'recent topics' drop down menu next to 'control panel' that has the 'posts since my last visit' which is like the 'read new'. Also the 'mark all' is found at the bottom of the screen on the main forum page section called 'mark all topics as read'.

Believe it or not there is no manual to go with the software, but there is a support forum if I can't answer a specific detailed question.





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