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New Website and Forum

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Hope everyone is settling in OK and getting used to the new software.

You can use the control panel to manage your personal information, change your password, add avatars, photos etc if you wish.

Certain facilities will be added as we go. There is currently a technical problem with the spellchecker and this has been removed for the time being but will be added later when it has been sorted.

The migration process was complex because the data has been migrated from a legacy static HTML format to a brand new database format, and was always likely to be a problem but as this is a dynamic forum we should be up to speed again in the course of time. Luckily this change only happens once and from here on in the forum should continue to grow and improve as new updates are released.




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Just out of curiosity, will you as Forum Admin be taking a more active part in the discussions now that a new forum-type has arrived?

Also, where have all my posts gone? I had 120+ on the old forums *mutters mutters mutters*

Much prefer this to the old one already, keep up the good work.

(first person with an avatar?!)

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[quote]Just out of curiosity, will you as Forum Admin be taking a more active part in the discussions now that a new forum-type has arrived? Also, where have all my posts gone? I had 120+ on the old forums ...[/quote]

Hi Time,

The new forum migration was complicated and as a result some of the 'reply' numbers don't actually correspond with the 'actual' number of posts and because of this reduction every users 'number of posts' has reduced...soon build up ago though

I really only get involved for problems/admin etc but now we have a new website & forum the integration between the magazine and the web will increase and the website/forum will get more coverage in the mag. I always felt a bit uneasy about advertising the old outdated website too much.

Good to see you have an avatar, will be nice also if we could have pictures of users as well. I guess it will take time for members to get used to the software.




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[quote]Hi Time, The new forum migration was complicated and as a result some of the 'reply' numbers don't actually correspond with the 'actual' number of posts and because of this reduction every users 'num...[/quote]

James, I've often wondered - and have said as much both here and in the magazine - why the Forum hadn't been publicised more in the magazine over the last year or so.  The vast majority of the those writing letters with queries to LF magazine could, invariably, have discovered the answer automatically on the Forum. 

But a couple of quick questions re new Forum:

1.  Where are the personal In Boxes?

2.  Can we reply to specific posts or are all comments automatically tagged on the end of a thread sequentially?

3.  If replying to a specific post with a quote, how can one edit the quote to just get part of it?

Many thanks. 




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[quote]James, I've often wondered - and have said as much both here and in the magazine - why the Forum hadn't been publicised more in the magazine over the last year or so. The vast majority of the those w...[/quote]

Hello Margaret

We're all finding our way round here, but...

1. Your personal inbox can be found under your 'control panel' (PM inbox). Unlike the old system, it also keeps copies of messages you send.

2. All posts are presented in chronological order. We understand that the forum software may, in future, offer a choice between 'threaded' (like the old LF forum) and 'linear' (like this one) display, but that is some time in the future, if indeed it happens at all.

3. If you highlight the text to which you want to reply before hitting the 'quote' button, then only the highlighted text should appear in the quote box in your reply - the length is limited unfortunately. This will be demonstrated if I have quoted your message correctly.
Edit - maybe I got that wrong, I'll try again below.

And hello Deby

The user name is at the top LH corner of the message/reply, I can understand why you may have missed it as it is separated from the message text and user info by a double line. I don't think this can be changed unfortunately.

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[quote]James, I've often wondered - and have said as much both here and in the magazine - why the Forum hadn't been publicised more in the magazine over the last year or so. The vast majority of the those w...[/quote]

Testing quote feature
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Hiya Will,

Looked at your screendump and I dont have the same information as you e.g. who has posted nor the control panel, recent topics bit either.

It is really frustrating - I will just try disabling Norton for a few minutes and see where I get with that otherwise I think it is a Javascript issue.

FA - looked at support cant see their names either, any more suggestions grately received.



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Deby, can you see a 'control panel', 'recent topics' at the top of the screen. I'm just thinking that it seems to be javascript that runs some features. Also what operating system and browser are you using? Might give us a clue.

If you go to http://support.instantasp.co.uk/ this is the support forum which runs the same software, can you see the usernames there? You could ask on the support forum about the problem.

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[quote]Hello Margaret We're all finding our way round here, but... 1. Your personal inbox can be found under your 'control panel' (PM inbox). Unlike the old system, it also keeps copies of messages you sen...[/quote]

You mean like this, Will?  (can't see it, hope it's there...)  M

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[quote]Hello Margaret We're all finding our way round here, but... 1. Your personal inbox can be found under your 'control panel' (PM inbox). Unlike the old system, it also keeps copies of messages you sen...[/quote]

I'll try it again.  You mean like THIS, Will?  It had better be there this time!  M
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[quote]Hope everyone is settling in OK and getting used to the new software. You can use the control panel to manage your personal information, change your password, add avatars, photos etc if you wish. Ce...[/quote]

I think that in asking this question I may have answered it but just for clarity...

How do you become a member of a forum/topic? I notice that now I have replied I get an option to subscribe - i.e. be notified of other posts but is that the only way?  I am getting several runtime errors when I access various parts of the control panel and wonder if there are some settings I am missing?


Found it - it's an option in the Forum header - sorry to have wasted anyone's time in reading this!


Interesting that the post no longer appears to show that it's been edited though - twice in this case

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Hi Adrian

If you tick the box to be notified of a new post within a particular forum you will receive an e-mail to let you know that a post has been made to it. Members can post in all sections apart from the FAQ's which is moderated and the posts to those forums will be looked at before posted, not 'live' as it were.

The runtime errors are being looked into at present, some script errors seem to be occuring.

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Hi Forum Admin,

Deby here again, I use XP and my browser in Internet Explorer version 6.028.  I cant read the recent topics bits either.  I will contact your support, if you have any ideas that would help too.

Cant believe it is just me that has this problem.


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Hello Forum Admin,

Sniff, sniff, sob, sob - still no control panel, still cant see  my PM Inbox and still dont know who is posting.  Pleeaasee help me   Deby

Further, someone did send me a PM and a notification appeared which I clicked on and then I could access the Control Panel feature, however since I have returned to the Home page I now cannot see the control panel (which was only via a PM being sent).  Do you have any ideas as what the problem could be? D.

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