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Complete France Forum

Personal Message Box empty!


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What a pity that previous personal messages have disappeared in the move to the new Forum. We kept ours as a record of all the Forum members that we have helped with registering their English caravans in France and now they are lost we will not be able to follow up on their progress.

Any chance of restoring them?

But we are pleased to see that a record of outgoing messages will be kept in future.



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Have not found my personal message box yet!  Must be on one of these pages somewhere. Used to be at the top of main screen but no sign of it now!


Scratch above just found it from Control Panel and yes it's empty!


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It is a pity that the private messages could not be transferred, but the old and new systems were not compatible. I don't think the admin team realised that some people kept these messages for reference. Perhaps if you make an appeal in the relevant forum section the people you were in contact with before could get in touch again? They are presumably still forum members.

I think with the old forum people used the private messages because the e-mail system showed your e-mail address, which many preferred to keep private. With this forum nobody has access to the e-mail address so you can safely make contact that way.

You can get your new private message box from your 'Control Panel' (PM Inbox). That can be found on the second yellow bar down from the top of the page, where it says that you are logged in. A benefit of the new system is that it keeps copies of what you have sent as well as messages you receive.

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 I had a lot of posts bookmarked for future reference, these seem to have gone walkabouts also!

I think it would have been nice if forum admin had given us some advice prior to changing over, I had printed a lot of the pages for reference and had intended to print a lot more of the pages, and kept them in the bookmark until I had time to do so.

Same goes for my inbox,Not the end of the world I know....


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I think a lot of us kept the messages in our message boxes - I was also keeping contact numbers and addresses. I hadn:t worked out how to save to my 'France ' file and it was convenient. Remembering the contents I guess will be a matter of fighting those senior moments.

One point, I don't know if others hve had the same problem but this system is taking my computer much longer to access the LFForum and I have the Control Panel looking at me but will it open? Nah!!

Coral - soon to be in the Ariege
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[quote]I think a lot of us kept the messages in our message boxes - I was also keeping contact numbers and addresses. I hadn:t worked out how to save to my 'France ' file and it was convenient. Remembering...[/quote]


good luck for the Ariege move.

I have the same problems as you....................help!

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Hi Gill,

I did send you a PM this morning, did you receive it?  With reference to receiving PM's have a look in your tools menu (status bar on  your sceen) go to Internet Options and look at your settings for things like cookies, see what your pc permits and check/uncheck a few boxes - this might help.


Hopefully a picture will appear in the LH column now..?  (Edited) Nope - Forum Admin what is it that I need to do to make my avatar work, I;ve used a jpg and thumbnail sized jpg and it dont work(bad english I know). Re-edited tis working now.


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[quote]Hi Gill, I did send you a PM this morning, did you receive it? With reference to receiving PM's have a look in your tools menu (status bar on your sceen) go to Internet Options and look at your set...[/quote]

Hi Deby

I have not seen your message, will try and follow you instructions and see if it will work.

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