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Can't see Posters' names


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I've been looking for days for how to contact Admin with problems. Guess this is the place.

For about 5 days now I haven't been seeing the names of the posters on the screen. This makes it a bit odd to read through threads. Can someone technical pls look into this?

Also, how do I get to have an avatar? My profile just says - no avatar. Doesn't give me the option to install one.

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"I've been looking for days for how to contact Admin with problems. Guess this is the place.

For about 5 days now I haven't been seeing the names of the posters on the screen. This makes it a bit odd to read through threads. Can someone technical pls look into this?

Also, how do I get to have an avatar? My profile just says - no avatar. Doesn't give me the option to install one"

Just a thought, does this mean that you did see the posters names before, if so have you changed the screen resolution since, perhaps to see bigger type etc.  It may be that changing the resolution to 800 x 600 and view in full screen mode (not a window) could help you to see more details. 
As to the Avatar, you need to go to the Control Panel which if you can't see the link could also be related to screen res.
Another possibility is colour schemes.  Are you using a default background scheme or have you customised it in anyway. 

Kind of think if you are able to post and read messages etc there can't be anything seriously wrong.
If you're still having problems, give us a few more details like Win version, browser used and version etc - I'm sure others will have some thoughts





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