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Still unable to look at anything other than the latest page when doing a search. Click on next 50, for example, and nothing. When is the patch to be installed? Very upsetting for new members who have been advised to do a search on some topic that has already been well covered only to find that they cannot access the posts! I would say that this must be a high priority for most of us, otherwise no worries.................John in Dept 79 
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I have the same problem in addition to not being able to see who is posting, I just guess by the number of posts and tone of the post and have lost all smilies.

I haven't had any replies to my pleas for help on this one, so I sympathize with you.

I've lost control panel too! unless I specifically type the url in address panel.

I have almost given up being able to get it sorted out and just look at what I can till the site sorts itself out.

In the meantime if you manage to fix anything I'd apprecaite an email or post.


Eleanor :-)

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The patch was installed to cure the next 15 etc in the search but there was a problem with it and none of the buttons then worked! IT are looking into this at the moment.

Eleanor, the problem sounds like the Norton firewall on your machine not being compatible and blocking some of the Javascript.

Have you tried which worked for one of our users:

In Norton you need to remove the ?adv= string from the block list.  It is in a "Global Block List" in the case of Norton Internet Security, probably in different places in different versions or packages.  Then, you need to clear the cache used by your browser.  For Microsoft Internet Explorer, use the Tools, Internet Options … menu then on the General tab press the Delete files … button in the Temporary Internet files section and delete all offline content.

Also you could try adding www.livingfrance.com/instantforum to trusted site status within your firewall.

and also found this on a google search:

Search Result 13
From: mark4man (mw.forman@verizon.net)
Subject: IE JavaScript Problem Solved!!!
This is the only article in this thread
View: Original Format
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser
Date: 2003-07-09 18:35:08 PST

If you are experiencing dead links (& are having JavaScript problems ingeneral)
in IE 6.0......AND......you are also running Norton Personal Firewall or
Norton InternetSecurity......well, then this post just may be for you!
Here's how I solved my problem (I have NPF 2002...not sure about thesettings in
NIS, but they must be similar:Go to: Options > Advanced Options > Active Content.
Under "Script", thereare three options:
"Allow All Script To Execute"
"Block Script Pop-ups Only"
"Block All Script."
For some reason, "Block Script Pop-ups Only" was selected in mine.  I changed the
selection to; "Allow All Script To Execute"; & the problem wentaway.
Hope this helps someone...anyone. I had promised at least one member of this group
I would help by posting an answer if & when I found one, but the post was so far
back, I couldn't find it...so, I thought I would justsend a new post along.
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