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Gremlins again?


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On certain sections where I have tried to post a reply it starts off well and suddenly the page changes back to the main forum page without warning and without posting my reply in the relevent sector. Anyone else experiencing problems. Same with a reply yesterday, only pressed the button once but it keeps coming up over and over again
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It seems that the forum software does have issues with non-Microsoft browsers. For example, the "editor" used to type your reply to a topic (or Private Message) does not work properly in some non-Microsoft Browsers (no formatting, no spell checker, etc.). This is a common issue when something is a based on an "all-Microsoft" architecture (like the forum software) and is just one of those things (if you go the Microsoft route, it is only compatible with Microsoft stuff).

I do not know if this is your problem but are you using Internet Explorer on a Windoze based computer of something else.

If anything else then it would be difficult to guess what might happen (e.g. if you have a MAC or a PC with Opera/firefox/Mozilla/etc. browser).

What I have taken to doing is to enter the text into another package (e.g. OpenOffice.Org or anything with a Word Processor/spell checker) then copy and paste it into the forum software. OK you lose the formatting, etc. but us lunatic fringe who don't Microsoft everything get what we deserve.

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I've now started experiencing the problem. Happened when I pressed the ENTER key and the text I'd typed was lost - just takes you back to the page where you pressed the reply buttonon". It's not an every time thing. However, I'm not using Internet Explorer. Definately was not being times-out as I'd only been in the "post reply" screen for less than 1 minute and had been actively typing most of that time and was definately immediately I pressed ENTER/RETURN.
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It's not just you I1. I use Windows XP (SP2, French version) and the latest version of Internet Explorer, and although I get the full range of formatting options etc that aren't available to users of older or non-Microsoft browsers, I still get a lot of server errors and 'timeouts' (although in most cases I haven't been inactive for anything like long enough to be timed out).


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