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Double Posting Bug In Forum software ?


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There may be a technical problem with the forum. If you check the thread http://www.livingfrance.com/instantforum/shwmessage.aspx?ForumID=19&MessageID=50997 there are double alternate postings separated by quite a time difference. In this case:

Punch at 15:18

Some more posts later, including Frenchy at 21:08

Punch identical post but timed at 15:17

Then an Frenchy’s 21:08 post repeated time stamped at 21:07

I cannot see that these are caused by “double pressing the SUBMIT button. It may easily be that a lot of these “double posts you see around the place are the same bug ?
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We are trying to identify what is causing this very annoying problem. In many instances one of the postings appears where it should be, the other is always at the end, where the 'most recent' post should be.

I had one of the many timeout errors the other day when I tried to post a reply, and although that reply appeared OK it is stuck at the end, as above, and didn't appear on the list of posts.

I wonder if any of the people who have had double postings have had a timeout or server error when trying to post their messages?

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I believe the forum software you/LF have selected is uses Microsoft SQL Server as the database to store everything. MS SQL Server properly supports Transactions and “roll-back” recovery. Thus a properly written application (in this case the forum software) should be able to recover in the case of an error (as it would never issue the commit and there would be a “rollback”).

Without knowing exact (and boring) details I can only guess/
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