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Complete France Forum

Tripple Posting Buf in Forum Software


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We no have tripple posting issues !

(Sorry I can't show the above as a URL but the forums software deas not support such features for me)
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You make your point, as his due to the writer being impatient and clicking "Post Reply" 3 times all due to the slowness of the site. However, they should have noticed this and if they go into "Edit" they can remove 2 of their postings.


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In the case of the "double posting" bug, the duplicate postings appear at the end of the thread (subsequent posts being included before the 2nd (and subsequent) duplicates. The duplicates cannot be deleted (by either the author or moderators - or so I have seen posted somewhere).

Certainly the “double posting” issues are a bug in the forum software – and it appeared that the indicated thread may have been the same bug but now in a triple form. This is my reason for posting the warning (to those running the forum) as, if a bug is not reported it is very unlikely to be fixed.
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