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Lets be honest about this site


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Thank you Tim.

I can confirm that on my dialup connection there is a just-noticeable speed increase, though it is still a bit slow compared with other forums. So far the operation seems much more consistent - none of these long periods of doing nothing followed by server time-out errors that were plaguing me before.

I believe broadband users should see a bigger improvement.

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[quote]Thank you Tim. I can confirm that on my dialup connection there is a just-noticeable speed increase, though it is still a bit slow compared with other forums. So far the operation seems much more con...[/quote]

Thanks Will.

Unfortunately although you probably won't see a massive speed increase over a dialup link due to the it's limited capacity, anyone using a higher-speed connection or broadband should definitely see a performance increase.

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Yes, much faster but I couldn't log in for ages (good I hear some shout !) then shut down Zone Alarm and bosh, I logged on immediately (coincidence?), will see what happens later.

Now, hopefully all the glitches will also soon be a bad memory then we will be cooshty !!



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[quote]Yes, much faster but I couldn't log in for ages (good I hear some shout !) then shut down Zone Alarm and bosh, I logged on immediately (coincidence?), will see what happens later. Now, hopefully all ...[/quote]


Your Zone Alarm problems may have been due to the forums URL changing from www.livingfrance.com/instantforum to forums.livingfrance.com. If there was some sort of configuration entry for the old URL it will need to be altered to reflect the new one.

Hopefully now you've been able to login ZA will be a little happier, and not cause problems next time.

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[quote]Miki,Your Zone Alarm problems may have been due to the forums URL changing from www.livingfrance.com/instantforum to forums.livingfrance.com. If there was some sort of configuration entry for the old ...[/quote]

Thanks for the message Tim,

I don't know whether to thank you for the new much faster site or crucify you, for taking so long to sort out what was quickly becoming a pain in the backside.

Still it is sorted now (fingers crossed !) so thanks for that, just ensure the glitches are sorted out as well, then you might even get some thanks from others who have had desperate times with weird happenings on their computer.

Let's hope the word gets around quick and any members who gave it up as a bad job, return quickly and newcomers who find the site, will be amazed by the forum and its fountain of knowledge and not by the desperate slowness of it all !!




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Blige me, didn't even have to log in this tine.

Went to see if Zone Alarm would let me back this time and not only did it but no need to log in. Well I never did !, I think we are in for some surprises in the next few days !!


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[quote]Thanks for the message Tim, I don't know whether to thank you for the new much faster site or crucify you, for taking so long to sort out what was quickly becoming a pain in the backside. Still it i...[/quote]


Fair comment!

Unfortunately the only reason this has taken so long to sort is because my development team has been tied up working on other projects. Some of these projects are now drawing to conclusion, and as such have released some time to allow us to deal with issues such as these.

Work to complete the migration of the site to the new hosting platform was originally scheduled to take place in the first quarter of 2005, and should still happen as planned. This will see the rest of the site moved across, with work focused on the online shopping sections.

The speed increase is here to stay, and the hardware we're now running should be able to scale well beyond our projected traffic for next year.


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