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Spell Check?


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Is it me (my computer!) or it seems that the spell check facility appears to show an error on page every time I go to use it and looking at my last post lord knows I need it! I wrote it in a bit of a panick ( excuses, excuses )

Any light on this?
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[quote]I think it maybe your browser compatibility rather than the button itself. Tested the spellchecker on this post and it seems OK with Internet Explorer 6.[/quote]

Yes, I think that's right. I have IE5.5 and can't get the spell checker or a few other things like Smilies.

Liz (29)
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[quote]Yes, I think that's right. I have IE5.5 and can't get the spell checker or a few other things like Smilies.Liz (29)[/quote]

Maybe the programme used on this Forum is entitled "Swings and Roundabouts" because I have noticed that different users can use different features.

I have a lot of gubbins at the top of the window in order to choose different styles and colours etc. and I have smilies, but I don't have a search facility, I cannot tell who the poster is unless they put their name at the bottom and I cannot access my original details.

Has anybody got the full monty or can I rest easy with the knowledge that whilst superior to some I am inferior to others.


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I've just started using Mozilla Firefox as my browser in place of IE6 and the Spellcheck button no longer appears when I write a post. Is this something that the site providers are aware of - any fix possible?

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[quote]I've just started using Mozilla Firefox as my browser in place of IE6 and the Spellcheck button no longer appears when I write a post. Is this something that the site providers are aware of - any fix ...[/quote]


Yes, some of the features aren't available to some browsers. The next release should include more features for more browsers.


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