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Complete France Forum

For sale section

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Living France has to ensure that the forum complements rather than competes with its main product, the printed magazine, which relies on paid-for advertising. A 'for sale' section here would have an adverse effect, I think, on the classified section in the magazine.

Hence the 'no unsolicited advertising' rule and the fact that only certain types of announcements, e.g. pets free to good homes, employment, are allowed as long as they meet the forum rules. There are other France forums with advertising sections, but I don't know how effective these are for the advertisers, or how useful for potential buyers.

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Although I understand the "non-competition" point, the magazines don't seem to have a true small ad section, where, for example, I could advertise the ever mounting pile of back issues of "Living France" and "France". I don't want to send them to the re-cycling skip at Tesco but the cost of a paid ad would probably exceed what I could ask for them - to say nowt of postage!
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