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Where are your rnames?


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I keep reading posts from people who can't see the posters' names in the left-hand column, and, blow me, it's happened to me today!

Though I have looked up and down the postings (cos I am sure I saw someone's advice on how to cure this in a post only a day or two ago) I cannot find how to fix it.  And the search button seems to have vanished as well, so I can't even check the archives.

Help, please.......


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 Music Monkey posted this to Evaniers, who was having the same problem as you, but due to an upgrade. Sorry it has not copied as a link, and Evaniers has not come back to say if it worked yet.


It would drive me crazy if it happened to me, and knowing it happens to others is why I added a signature to the bottom of my posts.

Can you let us know if it's any help?

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Tee hee, Dick! 
I spotted that rogue "r" too late to do anything about it!

Thanks for the link Tresco.  I am trying to get my head round it. Indeed, I had activated the Norton Internet Security yesterday so I am pretty sure it must be something to do with that. Have de-activated it agai, but the damage seems to be done...

However, following the instructions step-by-step:

a) Check that your firewall is allowing the referrer field to be transmitted. To create a rule that permits referrer information: Open Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall.  Do one of the following. In Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall 2003: Click Options > Internet Security, and then click the Web Content tab. In Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall 2004 or newer: Double-click Privacy Control, and then click Advanced. Now (for both) -  In the bottom of the Advanced window, click Add Site. In the New Site/Domain box, type the name of the site that you want to receive the referrer information, and click OK. The site name appears in the left frame of the Options window. Click the name of the new site. On the Global Settings tab, under the Information about visited sites section, uncheck Use default settings. Click Permit. Click OK to close the Options window.

I am OK as far as "click Add Site" and getting the New Site/Domain box, but I don't know what to type in it!  Should it be the same as that given in the following para (b) :

forums.livingfrance.com or *.livingfrance.com/*

Thanks in advance


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Your instructions were spot-on, except that in paragraph (a) it didn't say *what* to type in the box (hence my question higher up this thread).  I know it was semi-obvious from what it said later, in paragraph (b), but we non-techies do need a LOT of hand-holding when we are doing intimate things to our computers...
(For the record, I used the first of the two options)

It was also obviously necessary to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.  I thought this would be the case, but didn't bother to restart yesterday as I was using it a lot.  So only this morning can I appreciate having all your lovely names restored...

Thanks again


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