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Complete France Forum

Gone Barmy


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I'm hoping it is this board and not me, but will await to see if it is only happening to me.

I will say click on French Culture and the top heading line says at the end  'french culture', then the posts are say about food and drink, or earning a living in france. But not french culture. This has been happening for a couple of days now intermittently, but tonight it OR me has gone barmy.


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Here we go again, what has happened to the Health section


Clicked on cheap glasses link and got error message, so went to Health and found that the messages in there had not been updated and some replies lost,  I am 100% sure Will answered the question about E101's yesterday. 


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Don't worry Ron - the specs topic was removed by Forum Admin under the 'no advertising' rules (we are also aware of the Chinese topic and are watching it closely as it is getting rather close to the boundaries, as are some users' signatures).

I replied to the E101 question in the 'earning a living' section, and it's still there. We wish people wouldn't post the same thing in more than one section because it does make it difficult to follow.

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[quote]Don't worry Ron - the specs topic was removed by Forum Admin under the 'no advertising' rules (we are also aware of the Chinese topic and are watching it closely as it is getting rather close to the b...[/quote]

Thanks Will I though I was having a groundhog day

Now all you have to do is get that bank charges question out of useful links..............

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Now I understand why there is the E101 thing in the 'wrong' section. The poster will have clicked on Health, then  on add topic and not realised that it was not really the health board. That this hasn't happened more surprised me. We could have had a real maze on here, rather than just the odd misplaced thing.
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