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No control panel, is it just me?

Ron Avery

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After I cleared out my temporary internet files in "internet options", yes you guessed it, Control panel has gone and posters names

I have tried the prescribed method of adding the Forum in Norton, although (it was not there in the first place when control panel was there) and cleared temp files... again and even cookies, logged out and in twice, logged out of IE twice to no avail.  Only thing I have not tried is re booting my PC which I will do now  EDIT:  No that did not work either

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 No tried that, it is very odd, normally I just clear the temp files and back it all comes, I'll try disabling pop ups and ad's in Norton perhaps that will work.



Update  Tried all the known cures, logged out, logged in disabled Norton, identified LF to Norton, cleared cache, done system restore to last week but still no control panel. messages or poster names

Anyone got any other ideas.........  PLEASE

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[quote]Ian No tried that, it is very odd, normally I just clear the temp files and back it all comes, I'll try disabling pop ups and ad's in Norton perhaps that will work. Ron Update Tried all the kn...[/quote]

Are you sure that you are logged on? You won't see them if you aren't.

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[quote]Oh you mean this Logged in as: Ron Avery ( Logout ) Sorry Ray but getting pee'd off not knowing whom[/quote]

**Why is it just this Forum has this problem? Perhaps we should change the system. Oh and for everyone else who cannot see posters names**

????? Mine working fine.

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Thanks very helpful Ray...........

This Forum is the only one I know that has software where access to your profile , messages and seeing the users names needs special settings on one's PC and looking back at previous posts has affected most members at one time or another. 

 Perhaps the next poster could suggest a cure

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To help isolate the problem you could try using a different browser, e.g. Firefox or Opera

Depending on the results obtained using an alternative to IE it may help to narrow down the problem. The fact that other IE users are OK may indicate an IE problem. Have you upgraded or downloaded any security patches recently ?

Prehaps try going to IE, Options, Advanced and use the 'restore to defaults' option ?

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"This Forum is the only one I know that has software where access to your profile , messages and seeing the users names needs special settings on one's PC and looking back at previous posts has affected most members at one time or another. 

 Perhaps the next poster could suggest a cure"

I spent many months trying to find out why, with 2 identical machines one had a problem and the other didn't.  The problem for me was in looking at Profiles or searches etc - javascript errors prevented some things from running - though have to say I don't remember a problem with names appearing.

The only difference I could think of was that one machine had been upgraded from previous versions of Windows and the other which worked ok was a new install of XP Professional.  The upgraded one worked reasonably with Firefox but some of the editing functions didn't.  All service packs and other software were identical and eventually just had to accept the situation and depending what I wanted to do use the relevant browser.

I was finally proved correct when the upgraded machine crashed, wouldn't boot to reinstall from an image and had to install everything again from scratch - it now works perfectly.

A drastic thing to do deliberately, but if you could buy/borrow a hard disk as an experiment and just go through a minimal install I think you would find the same.

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You nay be onto something, I am posting this from the UK, over here for a few days, and using another PC running Firefox and yes I have a control panel and names etc BUT no message menu bar, spellcheck or smilies etc

I am reluctant to load Firefox if this is the result and particularly if there was a risk of losing favourites on IE.


I have done a system restore and restored defaults to XP, I could try a reload, but what what am I risking??

Thanks to you both

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ron, I've had similar, but not quite the same, problems and have only just fixed it so I can login at all. James at LF sent me a link to an earlier article of his which I guess you've read as you mentioned it earlier and although its largely about Norton and I'm on IE I started to fiddle about with my internet security options based on his advice to Norton users. In the end it seems that there is "something" to do with pop-ups and cookies that IE doesn't like about this forum. I keep my laptop bang up to date with the microsoft updates and consequently (thank you Bill Gates) I keep getting these blasted security "fixes" that burger up my settings. Anyway, back to the point, I went into tools; internet options; privacy and added livingfrance.com as a specified website and "allowed" cookies and popups, restarted IE and all was fine. Try that.  
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It worked OH Deep JOY

I allowed pop ups,  allowed forums, deleted temp files, went back in and control, panel is back, as are all the pop ups that I hate:  Still cannot win them all.

Thanks again to all who made sensible suggestions as to a cure

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"It worked OH Deep JOY

I allowed pop ups,  allowed forums, deleted temp files, went back in and control, panel is back, as are all the pop ups that I hate:  Still cannot win them all."

hi Ron

Sorry for delay have been away for couple of weeks.  Glad to see all ok now anyway, but I assume you will try resetting the pop up blocker?  One I'm using here at the moment is set to Medium: Block most automatic pop ups - also the LF site isn't in the allowed list - but this is the resinstalled Windows version and all ok at the moment. 

These things certainly add to the interest don't they?



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