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No author name showing on posts?


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Changing to Firefox might work but it is not the answer, it just hides the problem. I logged in from a  Firefox PC when in the UK and found that I had lost access to the smilies and the editing bar and spell checker was not available either

There are reams about this which can easily be found by doing a search through recent topics.   What cured my problem was getting a PM which I opened from OE and then found everything had been restored  

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You`re right Ron changing browsers was a temp fix as now I have no control panel or author showing on any browser. I have tried everything suggested in previous threads but to no avail, I will just have to hope that all returns to normal as quickly as it failed

regards colin

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From what we have been able to find out, it seems that there are some browsers, and versions, with which this forum software won't give all the facilities. There are also compatibility issues with some firewall/virus protection programmes. So it may be that the set-up of your PC is stopping this part of the forum page from being displayed for some reason. You can try adding this site to any list of 'trusted sites' in whatever security system you use on your PC, that often improves things. It's something that Archant is aware of, but hasn't managed to identify the exact cause (because there are so many users, and combinations of software and hardware out there) so can't offer a short-term fix.

There are longer term fixes under investigation by Archant which should resolve this and several other site problems.

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I see what you are saying Will but from the day I joined up until this morning I had these facilities available to me.When I changed browsers earlier this morning they where available on firefox, when I logged back on again they were not.

Nothing has been changed on my computer.

regards colin
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You could try going into your internet security options, "allow" this Forum in options/internet security/web content.  Then highlight this forum and then uncheck default settings on the right and "permit" all the options shown.  Try this, if it does not work  I'll send you a test PM, when I had your problem, opening it up reset the control panel etc.


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Thank you Ron - I have never had a problem before, but yesterday control panel and author names disappeared - now your solution has sorted it out and given me back 'control panel' etc. You really don't appreciate something until it is not there any more!

Many thanks



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[quote]Colin You could try going into your internet security options, "allow" this Forum in options/internet security/web content. Then highlight this forum and then uncheck default settings on the right a...[/quote]

Thanks Ron all seems to be back to normal now

regards colin.

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New puter and I'm doing the now it will show the names and then it won't.


Very odd and I've messed around a bit and they are up again, but I don't know why as I haven't allowed anything specifically in and could not find where this site hits my system.

I had no idea as to how annoying this is and will make the effort to sign my posts from now on.






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What appears to be working on restoring control panel and authors names is the receipt of a Personal Message from another Forum member.  I had the problem, tried all the known cures until Miki PM'd me and in opening the PM from Outlook Express, I got back control panel and authors names.  now it has worked for two others members. 

When you open the PM up from the link on Outlook Express ( not sure if it works on other E mail systems) the control panel etc is restored 

Don't know why this is but it has 100% success record to date, perhaps Tim can explain the logic, I can't

I await my Nobel prize for science and technology

 EDIT I sent this three times and got a timed out error page each time  yet it posted each time Wweeeeeeeiiiiiiird

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Grr.  It's happened to me today too!

I have done nothing to my computer, except to go away from it for 10 days.  During that time, I looked at the forum occasionally from another computer, and all was fine.  But today - no names...

Ron, I tried your suggestions on the previous page, about internet security.  My options didn't seem to be quite as you described (but probably cos I'm still on W98, and you have something much more advanced ). I have managed to make the LF site a trusted one, but it hasn't reinstated the names.

Maybe I should try pm-ing myself to see if that will unblock it.
EDIT:  Just tried that, but it won't let me pm myself!!  Anybody like to drop me a quick note please?


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