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I've been beset by this problem for a week or so. Thought it was my computer rather than the system itself which shows what I know about techie things.

Tried the refresh button as advised and things immediately reverted to normal layout except that the authors' names are still missing (though not their avatars, status and postings histories).

Is this general problem and can anyone arrange for it to be fixed?
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Very slow this morning , must be the cold weather,

 I have had the text page 1 in 20 perhaps always goes on refresh or back button until this mornig when I started getting blank pages or the website not available page.  As well as clearing your tenp files , the off line content as well  Val, have you tried logging out and back in again?

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Ron and all

I have never had any problems before but have run the whole gamut this weekend - from no site at all - error message re zeroes or somesuch, blank pages, text pages, to nothing happening at all when clicking on a topic heading after finally achieving access to the forum pages.

Gosh all this makes me realise how much I miss the forum when I cannot access it!


Edit: Just realised I did have a problem with disappearing authors a couple of weeks ago, but followed advice and that corrected itself.

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[quote]I've had all the same problems as the last two posters this morning. I was trying to get in the forum at about the same time as Val posted. I don't ever have any problems with any other site.[/quote]

We all had the same problems as one of the servers had problems. Should be OK now but the compression software isn't running again yet so the forum will seem slow.


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