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Post duplicated in two forum areas


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There seems another problem where a post about travelling with cats France to UK has become duplicated in two different areas of the forum. Don’t know why but it is confusing as both “branches” has different sets of reply (i.e. the two posts seems to have become completely separate).


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Hi Ian

No it is not a 'problem', it is my fault; as I posted the original query re my cats in one forum - 'travel' I think - and then thought that, perhaps, I should have posted it in 'pets' instead so I re-posted in the second forum assuming different people read different forums.


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Ian What happens is that when posting you can get "timed out" and then you go back and re post it thinking the first post has not ben sebt, but in fact the first post has registered and if you do not look there can be as many as three posts when only one went "normally" Of course, extra posts can be easily deleted if people know this can be done on the edit screen.
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Not sure why the "delete post" did not work John,  the Mods buttons seemed to work OK ( Joke Gay) 

People keep saying that search does not work, well I have found it just fine if you use the advanced search facility, I have looked up a couple of things recently without any trouble, it takes time but it gives up to 500 posts on a topic it certainly works better than a lot of those who post " I have done a search but cannot find anything about..... " would have us believe. 

It is clear from some recent postings that some people do not have the control panel - recent topics-active topics links which limits research on what is being discussed currently, and even if they do have them they don't use them.  It is so much easier to post a new question, it will get answered and why bother putting it in the right category?  If some users people cannot even take the trouble to post in the correct section, what chance is there that they have done a search or looked at recent or active topics?. Maybe its because it takes time to go through previous posts or search does not give them the answer they want on page 1, that is the problem

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>Actually I tried to delete a post t'other day (had second thoughts about intruding into what had become a near-private 'handbags at dawn' exchange). The system wouldn't let me. Nor could I delete all content.

Tried 'delete' again and it worked this time.

>People keep saying that search does not work, well I have found it just fine if you use the advanced search facility, I have looked up a couple of things recently without any trouble

I tried search again and it worked as you describe. Previously I could not view any pages beyond the first one offered. Now I can.

So, sorry for my 'sweeping' statements.  In my defence I suggest that we might all be reluctant to keep on tryting something that previously hasn't worked, but I will try harder in future.



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"Hi All.

We are currently looking at moving to new community server software and will be migrating to that shortly, the search on that system is far superior to this software (in that it actually works)"


Wish you wouldn't mention changes and how it will be like all our Christmas's have come at once, cause when you do, something resembling a pig flies past my window........right on cue...................there goes one now

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