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Mark as read again


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Yes, I'm sorry too, to bang on about this, but as the Forum is now generally working so well in other respects it is a shame and a HUGE problem not to be able to click on one button to mark as read.  Pressing "mark" on each forum, and then having to press "remember" and also trying to get it default to "show new since last visit" - mainly without a lot of success -  is a PAIN[8o|]  Reading the Forum is currently taking me 10 times as long as on the last software and I'm not surprised fewer of us are taking the time to actually post! 

Perhaps until this fault is fixed we should all try to make our thread titles more meaningful rather than "TV - help!" or "Ideas wanted"........to save some of the to-ing and fro-ing (and I'm just as guilty as everyone else on this!) 

Rather grumpily (not normal for me)[:$]

Chrissie (81)

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And (sorry) I forgot to say that when we have finally got the "mark as read" sorted out, I for one would prefer to have the new, unread threads listed in their forum groups and not in date order all higgledy-piggledy.  Apologies if this option already exists but I'm too fed up to search any further today.

Chrissie (81)

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Yes.I think it's the new format that is stopping some people writing.The ability to just view "posts since my last visit" or in the last 12/24 hours saved a lot of time.Life is just too short to keep visiting each subject area to see if there are any interesting new posts.[:(]


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