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[quote user="Will the Conqueror"]I believe there is a spell check option available with this forum, but as it is American English only the developers have disabled it. I think they are looking at the possibility of providing a British alternative.[/quote]

I really do not see the need for a spell as Gay,s suggestion of using http://www.iespell.com is the answer as it fits into your browser and can be used in any application or site. Also you can change it from USA English to UK English.and it is very fast.


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Yes, I use it too. Anybody who, like me, tried an earlier version and didn't really get on with it should have a go with the current version. The only snag is that it only works with Internet Explorer, and for me is a good reason for staying with that rather than changing to one of the supposedly 'better' browsers.

I have always been a bit wary of spell checkers, since I worked on a UK boating magazine, in the 1980s in the comparatively early days of using word processors in the publishing industry, and the spell checker in use at that time (a program called Websters which was rightly moved to the recycle bin many years ago) insisted on replacing 'motorboating' with 'masturbating'. Knowing a lot of the readers though, it probably wasn't too far off the mark. Interestingly, iespell still offers that as one of the options [:D]

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