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Main page “most recent posts”


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On the main forum page, for each forum area it shows the “most

recent post” (thread title, most recent poster and date of most recent post).  I believe there is a problem with this as,

for Satellite, etc. at 16:15 the “most recent post2 was shown as being by

myself at 10:15 am in the thread “Winfixer”. 

However, there were quite a few more recent posts to other threads in

the forum area.  When going into the forum

area these other posts were shown “above” the Winfixer thread and the view

correctly reflected the true state of posts.

I know that my post to the “Winfixer" thread had not been

edited to bring it to the top of the list (at least not by me).


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In fact, after posting this, then several minutes later

returning to the main forum “home page”, this thread started at 16:18 was not

the “most recent post” but rather a post at 16:08 by Forum Admin (to thread “Opening

links in …” was the most recent (i.e. 16:08 more recent that 16:18).

However, the list of threads for the forum area reflected

the posts in the correct time order (i.e. not an “edited later” effect.


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