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I hate this version of the forum


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Sorry, but I cannot mark everything as read - so I have to go through the list in date order and then go to each and every section to mark as read - stupid and for someone who has very little time not possible.

Looks like you will be seeing a lot less of me and you can cut out the cheers, I am sure they will sort this one day, till then it will be once a week on the forum max as life is just toooooo short.

This really was a step backwards and for me on ADSL is so much slower than the old version was on dial-in as it is so much harder to handle.

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Happy New Year to everyone!

I learnt  long ago that what ain't broken you don't mend! So what was wrong with the old set up....

I had not been on the forum for a long while due to studying!... (at my age going back to skool!) but I thought to give a visit for this New Year. Wow! it all look supa-dupa but all very strange.....

The 'insert a smiley' for example : before I could see exactly which I wanted and inserted, now I have to 'imagine' what the squiggles are when I read back for spellcheck/edit before posting, I keep putting a dot next to the multitude which is below this box... but these appears next to the message once posted...

Also I was able to come back to a certain subject to follow the thread with a warning in my Email box that a reply had been posted to a particular subject. Where is that button now?... Has the facility gone altogether?...  can't follow anything ... certainly can't remember each and every subject I contributed to........

Did someone thought of teaching us old dogs some new tricks!?........ Ah well!... we better have then...


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..So what was wrong with the old set up....


There were many issues with the previous forum

software.  These affected different

people to different extents.   If you

were using a 28.8 (very slow) dial-up modem, the speed of the old software

would probably not have been an issue. 

However, if you used e.g. ADSL you may as well have been using a 278.8

modem it was so slow.  There were a

whole long list of bugs, shortcoming, etc. that made the forum very poor.  For example a search facility that did not

work, complete lack of support for anything other than Internet Explorer, continual

time-outs and un-handled exceptions, duplicate posts, e-mail flooding, duplicate posts, etc., etc..

Another example of a comment about the old software “All our

postings are madly going skew-iff with a mind of their own...” (from yourself).

You have only to look back at this area of the forum to pre

the new software to see the ongoing criticism of the major issues.


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 I must say I am a lot happier with this set up - I can see smileys and the way to insert links, like a lot of others I didn't have that facility before.

As for keeping up with new posts and answers, there is a section where you set up your preferences and that gives you a box to tick at the end of each posting (thats is what I did on the last version) I just keep up with new posts by looking for the bold type by the side of the individual sections - hardly rocket science, its pretty quick too.

The reason the software was changed was that so many people found it virtually unusable and like me, couldn't use the facilities it did offer. I guess it just proves that you cannot please all of the people, all of the time !


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[quote user="Iceni"]

Sorry, but I cannot mark everything as read - so I have to go through the list in date order and then go to each and every section to mark as read - stupid and for someone who has very little time not possible.


Within each forum section at the bottom there is an 'options' button, you can then 'mark all posts as read' within each section and they will turn grey and disappear from the 'Not Read' list on the main forum page.

However, I take your point that there is 'no mark topics as read' within the 'Not Read' list.




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I actually like this version of the website.

I can see everything on it.  With the previous version, I'd lost peoples names, pictures, details, my control panel.  I couldn't view my private messages unless I clicked on the e-mail link which meant I had to clutter up my inbox if I needed to go back and look at them. 

If I had one criticism, it would be the small pale grey font on the white background at the top of this page.  Any chance it could be made a little larger and darker?


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Within each forum section at the bottom there is an 'options' button, you can then 'mark all posts as read' within each section and they will turn grey and disappear from the 'Not Read' list on the main forum page.

I tried this a couple of times but I found that I had actually spent more time marking each subsection as "read" than I had reading any of the messages. So now I'm using the "active" button, but the whole thing feels like much more hassle and I'm not visiting as often as I used to.

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Overall, I prefer the new version as it is faster and the features seem to work.

I agree with the earlier comment, though, that it is a great shame that we have lost "the new posts within the last so many hours" option. I hadn't come across this feature on other forums and thought it was one of the best things about it! This probably means that I now miss a lot of posts as I really can't be bothered to trawl through too much stuff. There is another life....

But I am grateful for the improvements. 

You pays yer money (or in this case, you don't!) and takes yer choice.

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