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Can't Edit and censorship


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Twice tonight I have tried to edit and been timed out just after I had originally posted.


AND the censorship thing is on looney drive again,    Q U E E R is a perfectly good word, it means:

Deviating from the expected, normal or strange, odd or unconventional behaviour, even eccentric amoungst other things.

Such a word should not be censored, it is a perfectly good word. That is has derogitory meaning too does not mean that everytime it is used that it is being used badly or incorrectly.

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There's a bit of a story behind this. Because we don't have a 'posts since last visit' or similar facility as yet, most people use the list of 'Active Posts'. A bit of an issue has arisen with this, as when posts are edited, particularly when somebody edited an old post after it had attracted subsequent replies, it caused the topic to move around the 'active' list in a rather illogical and unpredictable way. To minimise the effects of this, following a bit of discussion, Admin invoked a 60-minute time limit for editing posts. At the sametime, he switched on the feature that adds a note to say that the post has been edited (as below).

The timeout is evidently not working properly for some users. I have a possible idea why this might be, so I have brought it to Forum Admin's attention.

Sorry about the problem, let's hope it can be easily sorted.

Can't help with the profanity filter issue, sorry.

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[quote user="Forum Admin"]


I have increased the time limit to 120 minutes.

The filter has been changed.


Oh no you haven't !!

 Bit of pantomime there !!

Oh no it isn't !!

Anyway, on the south west threads I replied to Quillan at around 10.20

and it timed my edit out at less than two minutes from posting. So it's

back to the drawing board then AND why can't we cut and paste any more

? OK, we can drag and drop but that is not always easy, as one can

forget the limits of this forum and forget it has to be done as such ?

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[quote user="Miki"]....why can't we cut and paste any more ? OK, we can drag and drop but that is not always easy, as one can forget the limits of this forum and forget it has to be done as such ?

Copy and paste messages? You can, I use control c to copy and control v to paste (and within soemthing that can be cut eg post editor, control x).

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