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French national married in the UK

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Does anyone know how to obtain a Livret de Famille when the marriage has take place in the UK?

I am French, he is a Brit and we married in the UK without involving the French admin in London. Ever since we moved to France, I have been asked to show out Livret de Famille for various admin purposes. When I say I don't have one, they all look totally flabaggasted but unable to tell me how to get one: suggestions from the Mairie range from getting (re)married in France to getting our UK marriage certificate officially translated and producing this instead of a Livret de Famille...

If you think that as a non-French person, you have a hard time getting anywhere with French admin, spare a fleeting thought for a French national having spent 25 years outside France, who is looked at as some being from another planet when the fonctionnaire realises I can understand every word he/she is saying, but haven't got a clue what it refers to!! Some think I'm taking the P*** and others talk to me as if I was slow on the uptake! It's sometimes easier to send my husband: as he clearly sounds like a foreigner, he gets the help without the attitude!

Thanks in advance!

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been there done that, it is not that complicated.  You need to contact the French embassy in London.  They send you a form to fill in and you send it back with the marriage certificate.  Then, they send you back the info they have and you have to sign to say it is correct.  They  then send the whole thing to Nantes, where overseas marriages are registered.  You then get back a nice translation of the marriage certificate and the livret de famille, from London.  I think we just had to pay the postage.  I am a bit jealous - nobody here has yet asked me for my livret de famille!!
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