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IE7 issue


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When using IE7 to view and participate in the forum, when posting a message the box to type the text into (for the message) is rather weeny. Its possible to use but very small.

When previewing the post with a quote the bottom bit of the quoted text is obscured by the quote box.

The preview shows the quoted text OK but the view of the thread shows

 viva wrote:

Have you got a woodburner? If so, just think of the happy revenge you can have on those bl**dy triffids!

e.g. http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=638191

which probably explains the increasing number of weird bits of HTML being seen in various post around the forum.

IE7 has been around for quite some time now. Has this forum really not been tested with it yet ?????? IE7 is getting out there and will now wait for LF !!


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Paragraph breaks (i.e. enter) from the message edit window do not show correctly in the post prievew but are then fine when a message is posted.

e.g. Paragraph1paragraph2

Will show as Paragraph1 Paragraph2 in the post preview but will the post correctly.


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Thanks for the comments. Some members of our development team are currently trialing IE7, but we haven't seen these issues on the forums. I'm running IE7 myself, and the message box seems to be ok? Could you possibly post a screenshot of the problem?

While we'll be testing against IE7 during its development, until it's out of beta and officially released by Microsoft we won't be making any major changes as there's no guarantee that the released version will behave the same as the betas.



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[quote user="Tim Stephenson"]Ian,

Thanks for the comments. Some members of our development team are currently trialing IE7, but we haven't seen these issues on the forums. I'm running IE7 myself, and the message box seems to be ok? Could you possibly post a screenshot of the problem?

While we'll be testing against IE7 during its development, until it's out of beta and officially released by Microsoft we won't be making any major changes as there's no guarantee that the released version will behave the same as the betas.




I’ve sent you an e-mail re the screenshot (as I don’t use image publishing sites).

IE7 may be in preview beta but its pretty solid. I’ve been testing it for quite a few months and have just made it my default browser as it seems fine and I find it nicer than Firefox. If you wait until its released you will be a “bit late”. The reason why Microsoft do these pre-releases is to give people time to sort out issues, etc. and whilst there may be differences in the final released product if there is uncertainty you just check with Microsoft.

With regard to the quote issue, it may be something in the forum code as the preview of a post shows the quote fine (‘ish, except for the font size in relation to the box). Its after the post that the weird stuff starts. IE7 seems fine on all other forums I use.

In fact, having previewed this post it seems to have changed. The box is now big enough to show all the text and the box background is grey rather than the previous blue.


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I too have just changed to IE7 and I have a tiny weeny little small not very large almost too small to see miniscule microscopic Message box! Ian gave a boat load of notice I see, what happened?

As a programmer technotwit what on earth are all the funny <><><><>s that have started to appear since I changed?

Can you sort it PLEASE as my eyesight is not as good as it was and it's a bugger having to use a dammed great magnifying glass in front of the screen. Although it does remind me of when I was likkle and the TV had one!
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In a few days time everybody with Windows Update set to "Automatic" will be getting IE7. Everybody in the industry has had loads of notice, warnings, pre-release versions available, etc. It is interesting to see which organisations have done nothing about it. (Archant are not alone, HP are another - HP are a total disaster area).

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Hi Ian, your method of reloading the Firefox again and uninstall worked and now it's gone. Thank you!

This little box reminds me of cricket, never enough space in it??? Still I expect that it will be sorted before I have to renew my driving licence at 75! oh dear that's me in trouble now! Do they still llow public hanging in France?

I don't think that anyone trusted that the beta and RC1 release of IE7 were not going to be changed, but now they have a lot of running to do. It could not have been better timed for me, because I was just thinking of uninstalling IE6 and reloading it to see if that would cure the printer problems we were having with it. Nice and easy to upgrade to. It only took about 20 minutes..
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The main problem with IE7 and this forum is that Microsoft have a slightly different view of many of the major Internet standards (CSS being the primary issue) to everyone else. Basic standards-compliant design / layout code that works in exactly the same way on any platform's version of Firefox or Mozilla (for example) and IE6 on Windows is handled slightly differently when it comes to IE7.

For this reason, we had held off making any changes to our systems to work around Microsoft's broken CSS implementation until the browser has been officially released - mainly to wait and see if they would manage to fix any of the problems before releasing the browser.

As it was, the same CSS problems that were reported against the early beta releases of the browser are still present in the final release.

Assessing the impact of the workarounds and implementing fixes is on our to-do list, but unfortunately isn't a top-priority at the moment.


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The major problem are not CSS related but User Agent string related.

If you "hack" IE7 to lie about what it is (i.e. modify its User-Agent String so it says its IE6), then it works fine. No problems with the CSS - its just that its User Agent string is not recognised by the forum software, or rather the Free Text Box software. (I have done this and thus can verify that its not a CSS issue but a User Agent string issue).

To address the major issues you need to upgrade the Free Text Box Control to version 3.0.6 or later (later ones after this have a memory leak fixed as well). Check http://missinghref.com/jdsblog/archive/2005/08/02/freetextbox_3_0_6.aspx#comments (you might notice the publication date is 2/Aug/2005 - over a year ago !! You can download the version you require from http://freetextbox.com/download/.

Sorry I cannot make any of the links "clickable" but next time I'm sure you will have done the upgrade (its a trivial amount of work) so I will be able to make links clickable (and loads of other things as well.

There are some minor CSS related issues when using the zoom functionality in IE7 but I don't think that is affecting too many people here.

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