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Shrinking screen?


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Is it me? Is it my antique PC? Does everyone know something I don't?

Why is it, when I am reading a thread,  suddenly the format changes and the text becomes so loooooooooong (I mean brooaoaoaoaoaoaoaoad) that I have to go back and forth for each line, and then often just give up as it can get virtually illegible.

I tried MOH's computer and the same thing happens. He doesn't seem to know why either.

OK I am not the most competent PC user, but nevertheless.... it would be good to know if there is something I can do...or something that somebody else should do. 


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I've only ever noticed it when people post a huge URL instead of using the correct method for inserting big URLs (i.e. type a bit of text, highlight it and use the link button to paste the link).  I agree, it is a nuisance, but some people don't care.

The other main cause is oversize images.

Otherwise I've never seen a problem.  I don't think the poster's monitor can affect how their post appears.

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Most posts are fine on mine Cassis and then somebody responds to something and it all goes extra wide and I have to start scrolling to the right.  Bugbear had the same problem the other day I think.  It's not just pics and url's (which I did the other day and the monitor shortened it for me) but normal text too.
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I agree with Cassis that it's normally due to very long ULR links or wide photos, but if you have found something else that makes the screen go doo-dah can you post a link to the page cooperlola, and I'll take a look and try to sort it out.


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The problem with extra-wide pics and long URLs is that it only takes one to make the entire page too wide (it resizes to fit the widest post).

I can't do much about big pics (although it is worth trying to keep photos below a width of 400, to make them fit nicely to the page) but if anything else comes up that distorts the page width let me know and I'll do my best to hack it down to size.


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[quote user="5-element"]

Oh gee, guys!   I didn't realise until now that anyone had responded at all! I will re-read carefully every reply now.

Thank you so much, especially Cat, sorry if I caused trouble, but it's great if something can be done from your end.


So is it, as I suggested, only threads with long URLs and wide photos that are throwing you screen out of kilter, Boron?  Or do you have a problem with all messages on the forum?

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Cooperlola, thanks for the tip, I'll try that in future... yes, I'm sure I will find "active"

Cassis - No I don't have a problem with ALL messages. Only some. This thread for instance, is just perfect! As for "long URLs" I haven't noticed (although I might have to ask my office mate what that really means duh!), and wide photos, I haven't come across any so couldn't say. There was one particular thread recently which was quite bad...now what was it? Was it the Disappearing Thread or am I making the wrong connections?

Boron....hmmm...it's good for osteoporosis...nobody's ever called Boron before. Is it short for Boring Moron?

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[quote user="5-element"]

Boron....hmmm...it's good for osteoporosis...nobody's ever called Boron before. Is it short for Boring Moron?


Most likely referring to the 5th element of the periodic table, 5-element.  Cassis is just trying to dazzle us [geek]

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Er - Cat's correct.  I often mess about.  No offence meant!

If you can give us an example of a page where you experience this phenomenon and it is not due to a fat photo or long URL, maybe we can sort out what's going on.

A URL is the string of characters, the "address" that identifies each webpage - like this


at the top of the page you are looking at now.

Some pages have huge Über-URLs and because there are no spaces in a URL it can push the sides of the forum page out, as the page tries to fit it all in on one line.

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Ribena - no offence taken at all, of course I knew you were joking - having lurked around here for days before starting to post myself, I have had the good fortune to encounter some of your previous postings... and was thus able to form some kind of an opinion[:D]

URL - I am proud to report that I had suspected correctly as to their nature... thanks for confirming....As for your previous post,  you are right about wide photos: I just went to "that" thread with everyone's photos, and the text does go very very wide. Anyway thanks for your help, I need it more than it appears!

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